Doctor Hypno and Schadenfreude

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Doctor Hypno, a fat, black, old, man, wearing a blue, tall, hat, a crop top version of lab coat, swirly, blue, hypnosis glasses, and a blue speedo asks, "Sonny boy, is that you?"

A wolf with a white-painted face, wearing a red cape and black pants, approaches Doctor Hypno.

"Yes?~" The mysterious Schadenfreude says.

Doctor Hypno hugs him and says, "♡My son♡"

Schadenfreude hugs Doctor Hypno's waist.

Doctor Hypno is cuddling him and asks, "How's my big brave man?"

Schadenfreude responds, "I'm well, daddy."

"I missed my big boy~♡" Doctor Hypno says.

"I missed you too, daddy. Do you know what will make me feel better?" Schadenfreude asks.

Doctor Hypno kisses his forehead and asks, "What, my precious baby boy?"

Schadenfreude puts his left paw on Doctor Hypno's crotch.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Doctor Hypno asks.

"I want you to fuck me," Schadenfreude responds.

Doctor Hypno is blushing and says, "Please, you are my son."

Schadenfreude says, "I want to be yours~"

Doctor Hypno is getting hard and says, "Don't, I can't do this."

Schadenfreude responds, "Don't make me have to use my mind control powers."

"Please don't," Doctor Hypno says while crying.

Schadenfreude wipes the tears gently with his thumb.

Schadenfreude says, "I want you to enjoy this."

Doctor Hypno says, "Please, Tyler. I'm your daddy, you said you got over this."

Schadenfreude whines childishly, "And I thought we agreed to call me Schadenfreude."

Doctor Hypno is shaking and says, "You said you didn't want to do this anymore."

"I changed. Pleaseeee, daddy?" Schadenfreude asks.

"Please don't," Doctor Hypno says, trying to get away but only opens legs to him.

Schadenfreude kisses Doctor Hypno with his eyes closed. Doctor Hypno opens mouth to refuse. Schadenfreude open mouth kisses Doctor Hypno.

Doctor Hypno crawls backwards, sobbing.

Schadenfreude says, "Daddy, please don't cry. I want you to enjoy this."

Doctor Hypno backs into a wall and asks, "You...You aren't my son, are you?"

Schadenfreude says, "I'm not. But please be my daddy. More than my daddy. Make me yours."

Doctor Hypno says, "I promised I wouldn't do this but..."

Doctor Hypno turns on Hypno Glasses and asks, "Why did you pretend to be my son?"

Schadenfreude smiles and says, "Isn't it obvious? To get close to you."

"Where is my son?" Doctor Hypno asks.

Schadenfreude shrugs and grins widely.

Doctor Hypno says, "What do you want from me? Show me."

Schadenfreude asks, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," Doctor Hypno says.

Schadenfreude slowly slides down the blue speedo from Doctor Hypno's hips with both paws.

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