Ironfists Boxing and Wrestling Association 2

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Mandy is a dingo with blonde hair, blue eyes, wearing a tan sweater and jeans. Ye Bernard and Schadenfreude are walking down Cougar Avenue when they see Mandy.

"Mandy?" Ye asks.

"Amanda?!" Schadenfreude asks in unison with Ye.

Mandy says, "Hello boys~♡ I watched your wrestling, Tyler."

"Y-You watched me wrestling?" Schadenfreude asks.

Mandy says, "♡~I liked it~♡"

Mandy is flirty giggling.

Schadenfreude lies, "W-Well I'm going to keep wrestling. You're going to be seeing me on TV."

Schadenfreude is already regretting getting out of his contract.

"I'll be watching~♡" Mandy says.

Schadenfreude blushes. Mandy leaves.

Ye says to Schadenfreude, "I haven't seen her in three months."

Schadenfreude says to Ye, "I haven't seen her in two years."

Ye says to Schadenfreude, "She's my ex."

Schadenfreude says to Ye, "She's my ex..."

Ye and Schadenfreude stop, then look at each other. Ye and Schadenfreude head to Schadenfreude's home.

The next day, Schadenfreude begs Mr. Ivanov to give him a second chance and his job back.

Mr. Ivanov rehired Schadenfreude but booked his return match against The Executioner, a six foot and four inch tall, two hundred and eighty-six pound Saint Bernard. Schadenfreude walked down the entrance ramp looking for Mandy in the crowd. Mandy waves to Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude smiles and waves to Mandy before getting into the ring with The Executioner.


The bell rings.

Tormenting this wolf with a sleeper, The Executioner wraps his arm around Schadenfreude's neck, tight enough to make him dizzy and weak. Squeeze. Pull back, The Executioner overpowers Schadenfreude with a Reverse Guillotine Lock.

Mandy smiles. Frankie Dudley is worried. After tapping out, Schadenfreude rolls out of the ring. Schadenfreude sees Mandy smiling and gives a small smile to Mandy.

Frankie Dudley goes to him and asks, "Baby, what are you doing?!"

Schadenfreude says, "I'm wrestling for my ex, Mandy."

Frankie says, "You are going to be humiliated. Please rethink this, Mandy was never good for you and you know it."

Schadenfreude pleads, "Pleaseee. Can I just try a little longer? I want to impress her."

Frankie says, "Okay but you have to rethink it if you lose again."

Schadenfreude says, "Okay."

Next week, 'The Heartbreaker' Romero Rhino, a seven foot and two inch tall, four hundred and thirty-five pound, rhino with a red broken heart tattoo on his pec and blue eyes, wearing blue gloves, blue wrestling trunks, and blue boots does stretches by the corner as Schadenfreude gets into the ring. Romero Rhino was a wrestler that won one hundred and sixty-one matches, had only two losses, and had two draws.

Romero flexes a bicep and adjusts his blue wrestling trunks with a smirk on his face. DING DING DING! The bell rings. Romero charges Schadenfreude and tackles him with his finisher move The Gore. Romero pins Schadenfreude while still smirking as the wolf looks up at the hairy rhino.


Schadenfreude rolls out of the ring, clutching his ribs, as he heads over to Frankie and Mandy.

Schadenfreude pleads, "Pleaseee mommy, one more chance!"

"You have to go. You can't keep doing this to yourself!" Frankie says.

Schadenfreude says, "I can get some offense in next match, I promise."

"You are clearly hurt!" Frankie says.

Schadenfreude says, "Not as much as my ego. Please. Please. Please."

"Then please don't hurt your ego further!" Frankie says.

Schadenfreude says, "I'll show you that I can hold my own."

Frankie says, "Please! I'll let you do one more but you have to win or stop after that."

Schadenfreude says, "Okay."

Next week, Schadenfreude competed against Cody King. Cody King was a forty-six year old brown-furred lion with black hair, six feet and two inches, two hundred and forty-one pounds. Cody King is a boxer turned wrestler that won fifteen fights, six of which were by knock-out, and had only two losses.

Cody King threw a haymaker at his smaller adversary. However, speed was on Schadenfreude's side, and he managed to dodge Cody King's punch. Schadenfreude responded with a dropkick to Cody's cheek, gaining impressive height. After being on the receiving end of a dropkick, Cody King was sent staggering back towards the ropes. Launching himself forward using the ropes, Cody King slams his large forearm against Schadenfreude's face. The impact causes Schadenfreude to arch back, dazed.

It was a short but brutal affair, the prideful lion knocked Schadenfreude into seeing stars with a right hook. For minutes, the match consisted of Cody King laying into Schadenfreude with knees and punches to the gut, headbutts, and slams. Cody King decided that he was going to end this match, once and for all. Lifting the wolf by his back, Cody King stuffed Schadenfreude's face into his crotch and folded his arms. Cody King then jumped high into the air, gripping Schadenfreude's arm and planting him hard into the mat with his finisher Hail to the King. The lion ordered the astonished ref to start the count. With every number, Cody King placed one of his digits against Schadenfreude's bulge, culminating in a three count.

Schadenfreude rolls out of the ring as he staggers over to Frankie and Mandy.

Schadenfreude mutters,"...I got some offense in..."

"Please, don't keep doing this!!" Frankie pleads.

Mandy blows a kiss when walking by and says, "I only liked watching you wrestle because you failed and it was funny."

"Wait, you won't date me again?" Schadenfreude asks.

"What about me?" Ye Bernard asks.

"I'm engaged to Corey Forrest," Mandy says.

"The coyote?" Ye Bernard asks

"The linebacker?!" Schadenfreude asks in unison.

Mandy says, "Exactly, I don't want either of you."

"...Is it because I'm bad at sports?" Schadenfreude asks.

Mandy leaves. Defeated physically and romantically, Schadenfreude heads home with Ye and Frankie.

Frankie says, "I told you she wasn't good for you."

Schadenfreude cuddles Frankie in bed.

Schadenfreude says, "Mommy knows best."

Frankie Dudley is snuggling him and says, "I love you and only want the best for you."

Schadenfreude snuggles Frankie and closes his eyes.

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