Frankie Dudley, Schadenfreude, and the dean

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"Hello!" Frankie Dudley says while sitting in a chair.

The dean, a mole, wearing a black suit with a gold tie and black square glasses, sits behind a brown wooden desk.

The dean says, "Hello, Miss Dudley."

Schadenfreude, a wolf wearing a red cape and black pants, sits across from Frankie Dudley.

"This is my baby boy," Frankie says, gesturing to Schadenfreude.

The dean says, "I'm the dean of University of Aster City, David Schaberg. You can call me Dean Schaberg or David. I'm familiar with Tyler, or as he likes to be called, Schadenfreude."

"I'm sorry but I have to check on my baby. Does my baby need anything? A kissy?" Frankie asks Schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude nods and says, "I'd like a kissy, mommy."

Frankie Dudley kisses his forehead then lips. The dean looks between Frankie and Schadenfreude as this bizarre display of affection takes place between them. Frankie puts her feet up on Schadenfreude's lap.

Schadenfreude goes to say something but the dean speaks up first, "Miss Dudley, you'll be glad to hear that Schadenfreude is on track to graduate...."

"That's wonderful news!" Frankie shouts.

Schadenfreude goes to say something but the dean continues speaking, "Schadenfreude just needs to pass his psychology class and psychology lab class, Doctor Hypno has given him high praise."

"Oh?" Frankie says.

The dean says, "I don't think Schadenfreude will fail."

"What were you about to say, baby?" Frankie asks Schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude opens his mouth but the dean says, "Schadenfreude has a 3.0 and is on track to pass all the required classes, you can begin the process of registering for graduation."

"Is there anything we should be worried about?" Frankie asks the dean.

"Yes..." The dean starts.

"Did he attempt something with Hypno?" Frankie asks.

The dean responds, "What? No. Not that I'm aware of."

"Then what?" Frankie asks.

Schadenfreude seems to be distracted by something as the dean says, "I'm worried about Schadenfreude's development."

Frankie is concerned.

The dean continues, "Physically, he's shorter and much thinner than his peers."

Frankie says, "I swear I do feed him."

The dean says, "I believe you. It's just something that I was worried about."

"You've been eating the lunch, breakfast, and snacks I've been packing. Right, sweet?" Frankie asks.

Schadenfreude nods rapidly.

The dean says, "Staff has seen him eating his packed meals during his time between classes. I understand everyone has a different metabolism."

Frankie Dudley nuzzles her boy.

The dean says, "Socially, he doesn't have a friend group. Maybe joining a club or a sport could benefit him socially AND physically."

"Please, is there something light for him to do?" Frankie asks.

The dean says, "We have baseball, basketball, cross country, football, golf, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and field, and volleyball."

"Something that won't hurt him?" Frankie asks.

The dean thinks about it...for a very long time.

"Take your time," Frankie says.

"Archery!" The dean suggests with a snap of his fingers.

Schadenfreude perks up.

"Let's do that!" Frankie exclaims.

The dean says, "There's also two more worries."

"Oh? What are they?" Frankie asks.

The dean says, "Emotionally, he doesn't seem very developed. He prefers to be called by a supervillain identity and wears a villain cape."

"...What?" Frankie asks.

"Not that he has trouble controlling his emotions but you must have seen signs of emotional immaturity, right?" The dean says.

"...What's the other one?" Frankie asks.

Schadenfreude goes to say something but the dean continues, "This goes with the last worry, but romantically he has had zero luck since his girlfriend broke up with him."

Frankie says to Schadenfreude, "You speak then we'll address this."

Schadenfreude opens his mouth but the dean asks, "Any questions? Comments? Concerns?"

Frankie Dudley is avoiding talking about his romantic life and says, "I'd said I'll address it after he says something."

The dean says, "He can wait a minute if you have something to address."

Frankie says to the dean, " ....He needs time to find someone else."

Frankie turns to Schadenfreude and says, "Now talk."

Frankie feels something sticky against the soles of her feet.

"....That's what I wanted to tell you about..." Schadenfreude says timidly.

Schadenfreude blushes through his white face paint.

Frankie Dudley is cleaning her feet as she starts, "Sweetie, you made a mess all over..."

Frankie starts to clean his cum.

Schadenfreude apologizes, "I'm sorry, I tried to warn you."

Frankie tells the dean, "He has been having a problem lately where he'll get 'excited' for people he shouldn't at inappropriate times. Like this."

Schadenfreude stutters, "Y-You didn't realize you were grinding your foot against my-my....thing."

Schadenfreude covers his face with his paws in embarrassment.

Frankie tells Schadenfreude, "Sweetie, I'm so sorry."

"Can we just go?" Schadenfreude asks.

Frankie says, "Let's."

Schadenfreude gets up and holds Frankie's hand. Frankie leaves with Schadenfreude. Schadenfreude leads the way home.

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