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It was you who killed Pete.

Vegas turned around to see from where the voice was coming. He was shocked to see that person.

It was khun ken. Pete's lovable cousin.

(I said about Ken in Chapter 9)

(I said about Ken in Chapter 9)

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Vegas was speechless. He thought the last person to kill Pete will be his family. But now the closest member to Pete is the one who wanted him dead.

He dropped tawan down and moved towards Ken.

What? Do you want me to believe that i killed him? How did i kill him you idiot? I was trying to save him not kill him. Tell the truth you bastard!!!

He started shouting grabbing ken's collar.

Ken pov:-

Huh😏.... it is you who killed him khun. I don't even know who you are but you came out of nowhere and fucked up my entire plans.

Today morning when you came to tawan's room to beat him i was also there. I was in the bathroom taking shower with him.

(Vegas remembered that tawan was late to open the door and this is the reason.)

Even if tawan failed, I thought my plan could succeed by Porsche but someone saved him. I think it's your work too.

Then what can I do? I want Pete dead. So I devised another plan. I planned to kill by mixing poison in the wine. But I couldn't give him.

I thought he would drink wine to wash away the sorrow of forced marriage. Instead he was very happy. I don't know why.

But I have to thank you because you helped me a lot. You made my plan easier.You yourself called the waiter and gave the poisoned wine to him by your hands.


What a tragedy his life is!! Dying by the hands of the person whom he trusted.

Tawan ran towards ken and hugged him. He said ,

This is what the result will be for being a fucking bi***. He was the reason why I lost my boyfriend. But luckily I got him back.

(He said this and kissed Ken's cheek)

That slut was flirting with my boyfriend and made him fall into his honey trap. But my Ken knows where his owner is. He knows to whom he belong. So he came back to me.

Author pov:

Vegas's anger reached a peak where there is no return. He wanted to blow up their heads with gun.

Both fought with each other. But Vegas was skilled. He was dominating in their fight.

Suddenly Vegas's mind went blank. Tawan hit him in his head with a wood. It was bleeding heavily. Still Vegas managed to stand up. But he lost his strength.

Ken dragged Vegas by his collar to the cliff. He decided to throw Vegas off the cliff so that he don't have clean up the mess that is his dead body.

Ken lifted vegas by his neck and asked

Any last word?

Vegas smirked and replied,

Fuck you

Suddenly he plunged the screwdriver which he always had with him, into Ken's neck. This made Ken to loosen his hand and Vegas fell off the cliff.

While falling off the cliff, he closed his eyes crying

Sorry Pete i couldnt save you this time. Next time even if I have to kill your entire family to save you, I will do it.

I promise.

(Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.)

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