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Chapter 3

Thembi's POV

The one walking in the middle of the group starts talking and I'm already cringing "Sanibona, my name is Thobani, and these are my friends Mboneni and Mthandeni, we'd like to chill with you guys, you seem like girls who need company", he says looking at me from my shoes to my lips and eyes, the smirk on his face, made me cringe and feel uncomfortable
Mandisa's eyes wonder, land, and start staring at Mboneni, he catches Mandisa's eyes and they stare at each other as if no one is watching them.
"What are your surnames?" I ask genuinely being curious, I always find clan names fascinating especially when coming from a man, it gives them they're identity
"I'm Thobani Mthembu," he claims, as he rests his hands in his pockets,
"I'm Mboneni Danisa," he says still having his eyes set on Mandisa, and she's just smiling, and pretending not to be paying any attention to him.
And finally I'm Maphumulo, Mthandeni Maphumulo" he's looking at me and Mandisa, with a smirk on his face, he looks like a guy who enjoys threesomes.

Me: "Nice to meet you all, I'm Thembi, Thembi Shange."
"The pleasure is ours" Mthandeni, claims, and his eyes turn to look at Thobani, like girls who are referred to as snakes.
I know what they're doing and I'm not stupid. They set a bet on who would get which girl, (your typical boy game), and they're not about to play with me like that. Leaving Mandisa with Mthobeni, I stand up and walk to the beverage area to get myself a cold drink whilst I casually mind my business.
The sound of footsteps behind me get louder,  as I feel someone walking towards me and a voice from behind me calls out giving me a slight fright.

Thobani taps my back, making me turn my head, "May you please allow me to buy you something stronger to drink?"
"No, I'm good thanks, I appreciate the offer."
"I insist, sho bafo can you please just get her a savanna, not dry please, and pour it in a glass, bafo." His aura seems like a guy forcing being umphathi (a boss)
I don't drink alcohol, I've never had a good experience with it, the taste never tasted good. Trying to walk away he grabs my arm tight, scaring me it was unexpected wtf.
"I'm sure you will enjoy it, it tastes good, and it's not too heavy for you." he's hand is holding my arm tightly and it's making feel so uncomfortable.
I'm already annoyed because, why is he forcing me to drink, and where is Mandisa anyways? She's not seated where I left her.

Mandisa comes walking towards Thobani and I, Mboneni has his arm wrapped around her shoulder, it's making me uncomfortable because she's blind to see what these boys are doing. These boys might be rich, and they might be assholes too.
I've never been so uncomfortable during a party I take Thobani's hand off me and I walk away from them, grabbing Mandisa by the hand to speak to her privately, men just know how to ruin things.

"Dude what is going on with you?"
"What do you mean?" Is she really that oblivious
"Do you not see that they have placed bets on us, look at the way they're laughing at Thobani, he's insisting I drink alcohol, and I told him no.

"Wait but I did tell him you don't drink why is he insisting you do?" her eyes land on me again and they seem drousy.
"OPEN YOUR EYES." I shout whisper in her ears
"Well damn, Mboneni is fine af though"

The three boys come walking towards.
Thobani: "Ladies I'm sorry, if we made you feel uncomfortable, it wasn't our intention to make you guys feel that way, We just wanted girls for tonight, and we thought that you girls are beautiful. Thembi seemed too smart to be played with." he says rubbing his hands.

Mboneni, walks closer to Mandisa, "I would genuinely appreciate knowing you, if you let me, no jokes this time, I'm sorry." he says looking genuine but his eyes are telling a different story
Mandisa looks at me, like a devil with a plan. "We knew you guys set bets on us the moment you walked towards us dummies." Mandisa says with a fake attitude.
Mandisa lying to them made me giggle at how twisted she can be.

I'm no longer here, my mind is at my lovely home, I want to cuddle with my blankets and eat ice cream, until I feel sick.

A guy wearing polo pants, and golf t-shirt, and clean black shoes walks passed us, looking at me, he meets my gaze and continues to walk past us. He looks handsome, and my heart beats fast as my nerves slowly escalate. His dark stature, clean cut, and broad shoulders, gets my attention
My focus is no longer set on these three boys and I continue staring at this handsome man.
I feel a firm grip on my thighs

"THEMBI, ...... THEMBI, HELLO I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Thobani shouts causing a scene, and making everyone look at us.
All eyes are on us now, and hide me under a rock would be an understatement.
"Wtf, Why are you shouting at me?"
"I wanted your attention love." His eyes are plastered on my tits, his grip around my arm is tighter than before
I snatch my arm off from his grip, and he looks distraught I'm "love" now. I decide to go back to where Mandisa and I were seated, this boy is really starting to annoy me.

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