well well well - johnten

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the past 10 years johnny and ten had been friends, never once have they done something as stupid as this. and that was a lot to say considering the fact that they had done a lot of dumb shit.

egging lee taeyong's, also known as ten's ex boyfriend, house after he cheated on him with kim dongyoung.

ten running over johnny's hand with his car cause johnny wanted to know what it felt like and ended up having a broken wrist and fractured fingers. (was it worth it though? to ten it wasn't, but to johnny he would do it again)

going ice skating on a frozen lake only to have ten fall through the ice and when johnny laughed, he pulled him down by the ear with him, taking the statement, "we do everything together!" a little too literally.

or maybe the time they were in their history class shooting spitballs at their teacher for being a bitch. especially towards them for no apparent reason.

johnny and ten had gotten into a lot of trouble since they became friends. but never once has it been this bad.

in fact, johnny doesn't even know how it happened. all he knows was that one second he was reaching over the well to help ten out and the next he was knocked inside by some unknown force and now he was stuck here in a well with none other than ten chittaphon.

"listen, johnny—"

"there's no way we're getting out of here unless it starts to rain, chittaphon." johnny says with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. "i can't believe you— WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT A WELL????"

"you don't have to fucking yell." ten bellows— eyes looking anywhere but johnny's face. he had never heard the blond man so angry until now. especially not at him. ten knows there's a low chance of johnny hitting him,

but they were never zero.

"i was making a wish." he murmurs, picking up a 500 won coin beside his feet with his name on it. "you might think it's childish, but if there was something i wanted, i always came here. you think i was expecting to be hit in the back with a ball as he leaned over to look at where it landed?"

it was at that moment johnny knew he fucked up. sighing while he looked back down at ten, orginally having his head tilted up towards the sky, "no—"

"then don't yell at me before i can tell you what happened." ten interrupts, leaning up against the wall of the well, hands stuffed into his pockets along with the coin he had originally thrown in. "this is definitely the last time i'm doing this, don't worry. you won't have to be put in stupid situations with me anymore."

"listen, ten, i'm sorry for raising my voice. i shouldn't have done that." johnny sighs. although he was a bit frustrated, he didn't want to take it out on ten. and yelling at him was his first mistake. "but what do you mean not be put in stupid situations anymore? i enjoy being put in them with you."

ten scoffs, "that's not what it sounded like four minutes ago when you were about to burst a blood vessel because of me."

there's a small silence while the two look away from each other, not knowing what to say or how to make it better.

johnny ends up sitting at the bottom of the well with his knees up against his chest, chin resting in between them.

i actually think this one is kinda funny😭 it was never meant to be a full length story or anything, i just thought of a concept of besties who get into all kinds of mischief and wrote it

well, some of it

still kinda funny

i reread this recently and my jaw dropped when i read the thing ab ten running over johnny's hand with his car (also bcz that's smthn i want)

hey, don't judge. i just wanna know what it feels like

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