My Destination

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Pran was already gone by the time he woke up in the morning.

As he waited in until Pa could get here with his keys, he was once again impressed with the meticulous way that Pran maintained his room.

(Our room would be like this too if someone is not lazy) his alpha thought snidely inside him

(Pot calling the kettle black) he thought back rolling his eyes (Besides I'm hungry. Maybe we should 'borrow' something to eat while we wait)

(Yes!! Food!!!)

Surprisingly there was a note waiting for him on the counter as he went to search for some food.


He snorted loudly as he read it.

(It's cute that he thinks we will follow any of this) he thought already buttering up a toast in his hands

(He is cute, isn't he?) his alpha crooned inside him

Pat frowned at his alpha's thoughts (I suppose yes but it's Ink we should focus on. It was a relief when Pran said he didn't like her. She's cute isn't she?)

His alpha strangely didn't seem as excited (She smells fine it's nothing to be fawning about though)

(What do u mean?) he exclaimed (She smells like a freshly baked apple pie. It's nice and calming)

(Yeah calming. That's wt we are aiming for in life) his alpha thought back sarcastically

Now he was very confused. What was wrong with that? Why wasn't his alpha more involved in this?

(You weren't there back in high school. Ink is very nice and I liked her even back then. I am going to ask her out and u will see that she is great for us)

His alpha just grumbled in annoyance ignoring him

Just as he was about to snap back his phone started ringing in his pocket

His alpha perked up on seeing Pran's name on the screen

(Now he gets excited) he thought rolling his eyes

"Well well look who's calling"

"Pat I need your help" Pran's voice sounded urgent

"What?" he asked getting concerned

"I forgot to take my assignment. It's on my laptop please bring it over in a flash drive"

He smirked relieved that it was nothing serious " Well it's your own fault for hurrying away even before I woke up"

"Come on please. I need it right now. Don't be difficult" Pran said pleadingly.

(Don't be an ass) his alpha growled at him

"Fine. What's your password?" he asked opening the laptop

He heard a loud sigh on the other side "It's P-R-A-N-S-O-C-O-O-L"

He chuckled totally amused now " Pran so cool!! Really!!! You are such a dork"

(He's ridiculous)

"Just bring it over soon" Pran sighed going off the line

(He's ridiculously adorable) his alpha thought back fondly


He whistled leisurely as he entered the Architecture faculty

(Careful) his alpha warned, in alert mode (Enemy Territory)

(Relax!! We are here in peace. Besides we can take those hobos on any day) he soothed sniffing for Pran's scent

Vanilla Latte in a thunderstorm Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang