My Truth

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Pat watched on in shock as Pran swayed on his feet and keened over before him


Before he knew it he was getting up from the bed and catching Pran with his hands before he could hit the ground

(What happened to him suddenly?) his alpha was panicking inside him as he lifted Pran into his arms and laid him down on the bed

"I will go get the doctor" the nurse announced hurrying away

"Pran" he said out loud patting Pran's face desperately trying to wake him up

(This is all our fault) his alpha howled in distress (We worried him too much. Fuck!!!)

Yes it was completely his fault. He should have backed away when he saw that guy had had a gun but he had been too egoistic and grappled with him anyway.

His heart gave a pang remembering Pran's broken expression when he had shouted at him earlier

"Please wake up" he whispered rubbing Pran's cold hands

"Excuse me Pat" the doctor who had looked at him earlier said coming up behind him "Please let me take a look at him"

He stepped back reluctantly letting the doctor examine Pran

It was a good thing that she was an omega, he would never have let an alpha near his Pran in this state

(Please be okay) his alpha was praying frantically as the doctor took Pran's pulse and checked his BP (Just be ok. Please)

"I think it's shock" she said instructing the nurse to connect an IV to Pran "I am also sending for some blood tests just to be cautious"

He just nodded silently watching Pran's small form on the bed

The nurse inserted an IV needle in Pran's hand and started him on a fluid drip "It will take some time for him to wake up" she said giving him a sympathetic look "You wait here"

He sat beside the bed unable to take his eyes off his omega

(Please Please wake up)

The minutes that passed were hell on him as he sat vigilance waiting for Pran to gain consciousness. Pran was slowly starting to look better as the time passed. His sweating had subsided and the colour was slowly returning to his face

"Pat" Pran finally finally mumbled as he stirred awake, opening his beautiful eyes to look at him

(Oh my god) his alpha breathed out in relief

"Hey baby" he said gently running a hand over Pran's forehead "How are you feeling now?"

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