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A desperate knock echoed through the apartment waking Brooklyn up from her deep slumber.

She groaned at the loud noise before slowly walking towards the door. She yawned as she opened the door to find Harley Quinn.

"Harley." Brooklyn asked confused as to why the blonde was at her door.

"Brookie, I missed you." Harley wrapped her arms around her former team mate while Brooklyn just stood with her arms by her side and a look of utter confusion spread across her face.

"Harley. What are you doing here?" For the first time since she opened the door, Brooklyn took notice of Harley's swollen and puffy eyes and mascara smudged all around her face. "What happened?"

"He broke up with me, Brookie. He broke up with me and now everyone is going to be after me because I have no to protect me anymore. Everyone knows how useless I am on my own." Harley sobs into Brooklyn's shoulder.

"You're not useless Harls. And you that green haired psycho was never any good for you anyway. Why don't you stay with me tonight and we can have a girls night. Yeah." Brooklyn suggested.

A smile spread across the blonde's face slowly. "Really, you'd do that for me?"

"Of course. I would."

Completed//Part 2: Voodoo Impulse- Birds of PreyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora