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Cassandra starts to complain in the back of the car once she woke up.

"Shut up back there, will ya. I'm trying to concentrate." I spoke.

"On what, being stupid." She sasses back.

"Come here, ya little shit." I lunge for her, but Harley grabs my arm and pulls me back into my seat. 

"Just a few more hours, Brookie. That's it." I huff in annoyance.

Gunshots start to hit the car and Harley just pulls out a bomb out of nowhere and lights. She passes it to Cassandra.

"Toss that for me, would ya." Harley smirks while Cassandra shouts in panic but quickly chucking it out the window.

"What the fuck." Cassandra shouts while Harley laughs, pointing at the explosion. This makes me smile. "Who did I just blow up?"

"Either someone who wants me dead or someone looking to collect the half-million-dollar reward on your head." Harley explains.

"Half a million dollars?" We nod. "Do I look like I'm worth half a million dollars?"

"Not particularly no." I shake my head.

"You've got the wrong kid. Now, uncuff me." 

"Oh, sure. As soon as you give us the diamond." Harley persuades.

"What diamond?" She pretends to not have a clue what we are talking.

Harley then aggressively turns the car making us crash into the side of the road.

"Why on earth did you do that?" I groan.

"Look at me." Harley says in a proper serious tone.

"What?" Cassandra tries to avoid eye contact. "I don't know nothing about no diamond."

"The inflection in your voice, the way you can't hold eye contact and the fact that you're a filthy little thief, all suggest that you do. Now you can give it to me, or I can give you to the man that diamond belongs to. But trust me when I say, you're not gonna like what he's gonna do to ya. Now, hand it over." Harley rambles.

"That was quite intense, wasn't it?" I mumble, Harley glares at me.

"Yeah, not gonna happen." Cassandra looks down in shame.

"Come again?" I reply.

"I said I can't." She repeats.

"One more time." We say at the same time.

"I can't give it to you."

"Why not?" Harley shouts.

"Because I ate it, okay?" She reveals and Harley sighs angrily.

"Fuck." I mumble.


Harley pushes the cart with me and Cassandra trailing at either side of her. 

"What are we even doing here?" Cassandra questions, bored out of her mind.

"There are two ways that diamond's coming outta ya. This way." She answers holding up laxatives. "Or this way." Holding up a knife.

"I would recommend the first option." I whisper to Cassandra.

Cassandra quickly grabs the laxatives putting them into the cart.

"That's what I thought. Also, we're outta groceries." Harley shrugs.

"So, how long you been a mercenary?" Cassandra says waving a card in our faces.

"Hey, where did you get-" Harley is cut off when the card disappears. I raise my eyebrows at the girl as she smirks.

"You're so busy looking at my right hand, you haven't even thought about my left." Cassandra jokes.

"Your left hand is cuffed to mine." Harley lifts the hand with the cuff to see the card in her hand. I laugh at Harley's bewildered face. Harley lifts the other end of the cuffs but there just hanging attached to nothing. "I'll have to learn that one."

Cassandra picks Marshmallow fluff off the shelves, "Can we get this?"

I scoff, "You're not gonna try to run are ya?"

"Look if there's really a half mil on my head, I figure I'm better off with the people who are not going to cut me open." Cassandra explains.

"Fine. But if you try to run, I will kill you. We do not care that you're a kid." Cassandra takes something of the shelf and pockets it. "I saw that."

"Seriously though, how'd you get to be here? I mean shopping at fancy ass stores, you're making bank, you have your own business. How did you do it? Come on tell me. Woman to woman. Being a pickpocket is fine and all, but I got real potential. I mean, how do I be like you?" Cassandra questions.

"Oh, for god's sake. You're really going to wish you didn't ask that question. Here we go." I speak.

"Number one, no one is like me. If you wanted to even come close, you would have to go to medical school. Become a psychiatrist, work in an asylum. Fall in love with your patient, break said patient out of said asylum. Begin a life of crime. Jump into a vat of chemicals to prove yourself to a madman. Get arrested by the Batman. Go back to jail, get out of jail with a bomb in your neck. Save the world, go back to jail, and break out of jail before breaking up with the aforementioned madman and going out on your own. And having your best friend by your side throughout most of it." Harley rambles smiling widely at me at the end. "Number two, six bucks for tap water with a fucking cucumber stick in it? That's crazy. I'm not shopping at this store. I'm robbing this store."

"Not this shit again, I'm out. See yous laters." I teleport back to my apartment which Harley kind of turned into her own.

Completed//Part 2: Voodoo Impulse- Birds of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now