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"I don't have to tell people." Harley defends herself.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because if people find out we have broken up. Then I will lose the immunity I get from being Joker's girl. I don't have to answer to anyone. I can do whatever I want to whoever I want." Harley explains.

"Fair enough." I nod.

So we continued to get drunk and do stupid things. That may or may not have included having a full blown conversation with a mannequin head.


Me and Harley were getting drinks for Harley's violent roller skating team when we over heard them talking.

"Oh please. I give it a few days before they're back together."

"Come on. She told me they're really broken up this time."

"That's why she's still wearing that tacky J necklace. She is going to be running right back into his arms the minute he snaps his fingers."

"If not him, the next closest alpha male with a pulse."

"Some people just aren't born to stand on their own."

Harley threw the tray of drinks before storming off away from the bar. I flip them off before walking after Harley.

"Harley. Where are we going?" I question.

"You'll see." Harley replies.

We end up at Ace chemicals and Harley is looking between a petrol van and the building.

"I have the best idea." Harley shouts.

"Okay." I slur not thinking because I'm drunk.

We both run towards the vacant petrol van and jump in. Harley rips off her necklace before starting the truck.

"This is where it all began, puddin'. You mother fucker." Harley screams chucking her necklace out of the window.

"3 2 1." Harley counts down before jumping out of the van watching as it drives into Ace chemicals making fireworks that left me and Harley in awe at the sight.

"Come on, Harley. We have to go." We both run away quickly.


"Harley. What is this place?" I look around the place in disgust is this a restaurant.

"Egg, bacon, American cheese. Soft, toasted buttered roll. Just a dash of hot sauce. Not too much, Sal. I wanna taste the cheese. What a way to start our new life. Right, Brookie?" Harley drools over her breakfast.

"This is why I don't get drunk." I rub the sides of my head. "I end up in situations like this."

The sandwich is placed in front of Harley, "You're a lifesaver, Sal. That's all the money I got in the world and it's so worth it. I don't know if it's the stray Armenian arm hair or the fact that his cheese slices are always six months out of date but no one makes an egg sandwich like Sal. I mean it, Sal. No one."

We leave the restaurant and just as Harley is about to eat her sandwich, "Freeze! Gotham PD."

"Not today, hunny." I whisper.

I sprint away from the cop with Harley following me. We run over a road and into a market where Harley gets distracted by a sparkly bag.

"Harley come on. We have to go. We cannot get caught again. I am not going back to prison, you hear me?" I boom.

"Yes. Yes, I hear you." Harley shouts back.

We continue running but a microwave drops in front of us making Harley trip over it. Harley sticks her tongue out at the girl but continuing running.

We get out of the market only to be met with an angry man in a van who happens to be the brother of the man we fed to the hyena and then the guy whose legs Harley broke. He was pointing a gun.

"You know, I really didn't think we wronged that many people." I said to Harley.

"I know, right." She shrugs.

The cop then pushes Harley and she falls dropping her egg sandwich. I watch as she has a breakdown about her sandwich. I shake my head before turning around to met with a gun to the face.

"The fact that we are in this situation suggests you don't know who I am and what I can do." I smirk.

"I don't care what you can do, sweetheart. You are aiding an infamous criminal which makes you a criminal now hands behind your back." She says in her 80's cop voice.

I look down at Harley who nods towards the van making its way down the road towards us. Harley throws a bag of garbage at the cop before running towards the van.

We jump onto a car beside the van before grabbing hold of a ladder above the car before quickly climbing into the apartment above.

"Suck on that, bitch." I flip off the cop.

Completed//Part 2: Voodoo Impulse- Birds of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now