Chapter Fifteen

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The sun tickles her eyelids, encouraging her to wake up and greet the morning, most importantly, spend a few peaceful moments observing the magnificent creature fast asleep in her bed. One week, seven glorious days she has been waking up like this and she still can't believe Kara chose her.

Ever since her magical mishap, Kara has been sneaking through her balcony every night and holding her close as they both drift asleep. Last night, since it was a Saturday night and they were both available, Lena made a nice pasta dinner for them. Afterwards, they watched a movie and then spent most of the night sharing stories of their childhood, no matter how dark and twisted.

And now she's memorizing. The yellow sun is shining bright into her bedroom and Kara is basking in the glow like an angel. Her eyes are peacefully closed, a small smile around her pouty lips while the sun illuminates all those golden curls. It's really unfair how gorgeous this woman is but butterflies flap merrily around her gut and she is so damn proud this woman is hers. Well, at least behind closed doors and in the night, Kara is hers.

She drifts closer, gifting this woman a delicate kiss that will ever so slowly wake her up. The moment her mouth connects with those pedal soft lips, Kara's smile stretches all the way to her ears. She doesn't even open her eyes but she pulls Lena flush against her body and kisses her more soundly.

"Good morning to you too," she giggles and Lena briefly wonders if her mouth will forever be in a smile now because of this woman?

"I know you're going to hate me-"

"Never," this sleepy woman moans, pressing her hand firmly against Lena's back as she squirms closer, even though it's physically impossible to be any closer.

"Mmm, we will see. I have to stop by the foundation today."

Kara forces her eyes open, struggling for a moment and blinking rapidly from the brightness. "It's Sunday, why?"

"I have to put some finishing touches on my proposal for clinical trials before I meet with the FDA tomorrow."

Kara squeaks, squeezing Lena as her eyes light up like a brand new lightbulb. "I'm so excited for you. This is going to be amazing!"

Lena bites down on the inside of her lip to contain herself. "I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I believed before that I could cure cancer and look how that turned out."

"Technically, you did. It just had some crazy superpower side effects that weren't ideal." Lena rolls her eyes, her body attempting to escape the tight hold but this woman brings her back. "I believe in you, you've got this," she promises, very carefully capturing her mouth for a meaningful kiss full of encouragement and hope.

"And if I fail again?" She worriedly questions, praying that all her insecurities aren't on full display for the love of her life to pick apart and dissect.

This beautiful creature flashes a smug smirk, her fingertips brushing away the crazy locks all around her face. Baby blue irises very sternly latch onto hers and Lena wants to look away, after all the Luthors have beaten into her head about never being good enough but Kara refuses to break eye contact.

"If you fail, you try again and again until you get it. If you fail, I will be there every step of the way, cheering you on. If you fail, I will be so proud of you for continuing to put that genius brain of yours to work. If you fail, I will be there to lean on when you're down," she wholeheartedly vows, then swoops back in for another kiss that steals Lena's breath away.


Maybe it's simply anxiety about failing this project but she hasn't been able to shake this eerie sensation crawling up and down her spine since she left her penthouse this morning. Kara had flown home and left her to get ready on her own but the second she stepped outside toward her driver, something didn't sit right with her.

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