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location: touou academy

aomine daiki thought basketball would becoming exciting again once he entered high school. touou disappointed him. there was no thrill of having someone as good as him, or even better than him, to push him to play better and become better, because he was already the best. there was no one to even come close to beating him in a one-on-one, or even a two-on-one, or a three-on-one.
aomine daiki knew that no one at touou academy can stand before him and win. the only one who can beat him, was him.

practice was a waste of time. why bother? he found himself taking his shoes off and packing up, ignoring the yells of his friend- who also happened to be the team manager. he slung his bag over his shoulder and made his way to the exit.
it was odd. no one was there to challenge him. because he was aomine daiki, the ace of the generation of miracles. back at teiko, he knew the team would have stopped him. though, he also knew he wouldnt have left practice back then. there was one person he was scared of, and that was his then team captain, akashi seijuro.
it was cooler outside the gym, a gust of wind blowing by as he opened the door. walking by, paying no attention to the outside world, was a girl. her (hair color) hair flowing behind her, exposing the bluetooth devices that lay in her ears.

she was hot.

okay, aomine decided that pretty was a better term. but hot still worked.

he exited the gym, watching the girl head in the direction he was about to head to. the doorways that led to the rooftops of the school. he frowned, that was his space. his quiet space, away from everyone at this too loud of a school. aomone found himself walking in the same direction. he'll just go up a few minutes after her. his magazines were up there, and he wanted to look at them.

his magazines were up there.

"so, they're yours?"

aomine stopped in his tracks. in front of him was the girl, school books and notebooks filled with neat handwriting surrounding her. she had a pen in her hand, writing on a clean sheet as she spoke.

"i didn't touch them, nor do i want to. they're where you left them."

aomine was not embarrassed about his magazines. he did not care about who saw them or what they thought of him afterwards. but in this situation, it was embarrassing.

"er.." he didn't know what to say.

the girl looked up at him. the way the natural light of the sun hit her (eye color) eyes made them look like they were shining.

they reminded aomine of the way kise's eyes shined whenever he was complimented during a game.

"you can stay up here. there's plenty of space." she shifted from the laying position she was in. she sat up, gathering some of her stuff to make room for the much taller male. "i'm (last name) (first name), first year."
"aomine daiki, first year." he sat down, grabbing a magazine from the stack that was truly untouched by anyone besides himself. "why not study in the library?" he cringed at how he sounded.
"too many people." was her response. she was highlighting something in the textbook. were they allowed to mark those books? aomine squinted, noticing a thin layer between the book and the marker.

transparent piece of paper.

that made more sense.

"why do you read such magazines up here? if you don't mind me asking?" the pop of a lid caused aomine to look away from the page. she was looking at him. "i'm not judging by the way. you're a teenage boy. my cousin owns a few."
that was a relief...he thinks. "it's quiet up here."
she nodded, looking back down at her work, "then i won't bug you then."
"i won't bug you either."

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