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The sun peek up ot hit dale but moved to chip side that made him wake up he had a big yawn and he stretched he look and see his night in shiny armor sleeping beautifully chip smiles and kiss dale on the cheek and whispers in his ear "~wake up my sleeping beauty.~" as chip kiss dale again. Dale finally woke up and was still tired "morning babe." As dale rubbed his eye. Chip could tell dale had no sleep ever since he was kidnapped by fatcat and tammy. Chip walks up to dale and hugs dale. Dale was a little surprised but hugged back. "~so did you sleep alright.~" as dale kissed chip in the cheek. "It was alright." As chip grab his clothes and was putting them on himself. "That's good I guess." As dale grab his clothes and put them on himself as well.  They were ready to go eat and well do normal routine except for one particular mouce. Dale walked in the kitchen ready to make breakfast monty was there frist. "Ay me pally hows chipper doin is he felling alright or is he still down the dumps?" As monty put the pancakes on the plate for dale. "He's doing better still has nightmares though they really did a number on him I feel so pissed that they have the aldasty to hurt him even put a fucking shock collar on him like he some kind of pet who the fuck dose that!" As dale slammed his hand down it made a bang sound and a plate was fallen and it smashed on the ground. "Oh god I'm so sorry monty." As dale grab some of the broken pieces. "Wait pally dont your going to."  "Outch." "Hurt your self try to warn you pally." As monty looked at dale hand yep that's a bad cut." As monty kept looking. Chip running in "is everyone alright I hear a plate smashed are you guys okay?" As chip ran to dale and monty. "I'm okay pally but dale isn't he cut him self with the broken plate he thought it was a best idea to used his hands and I tryed to warn him." As monty show dale cut hand to chip. Chip touches the cut line It was across the palm of his hand dale flinches and he said that hurts. "Oh dale come on let's get that bandage." As chip grabbed dale other hand to lead him to the bathroom. Chip open the door of the bathroom. "Here sit."as chip motion dale to sit on the side of the bathtub chip open the medicine cabinet where the alcohol is at and bandages chip grabs the med kit open it and grab the bandage rap and alcohol. Chip walks to dale reaches his hand to grab dale cut hand. "This is going to sting you your going to be okay with that if not just say it hurts then I will stop okay?" As chip was waiting fro dale answer. Dale nods a yes for he ready. Chip goes on with it he put the alcohol on a cotton ball and lightly on his palm. Dale flinches then he relaxed again. "I'm going to add a little more pressure on the wond is that okay?" As chip was still doing it lightly. Dale nods again. Chip put a little more pressure. Dale moved his hand. "Outch shit that hurt!" As dale was waving his hand and started to blow on it. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I was just trying to keep the blood from spilling I'm so sorry here let me just." As chip grab dale hand and kissed it. "~Dose that make it feel better.~" as chip looked at dale. Dale was blushing. "Umm yea that help thanks again." As dale put out his hand again ready for the bandage. "Alright here comes the bandage rap for your hand." As chip grab the bandage rap he started to bandage dale until. "Guys I figured out how to get fatcat in jail and keep him there for like life!!" Chip bang his head. "Fuck." Chip said soft as a whisper but dale heard him. "Golly so sorry should've figure you were under the sink sorry again for scaring you hehe." As gadget left "are you okay you banged your head pretty hard?" As dale touched chips head. Chip didn't feel anything so he was okay. "Yea I'm fine now your all patch up let's go see what she wants and finally get rid of fatcat." As chip moved and got up and grab Dale's hand and they left the bathroom they enter the living room where they have meetings and watch the news or watch cartoons or moives or listening for the big crimes or little ones to. So what the hole plan gadget okay I bulid these trackers for you and dale we all have one and we can trake eachother so I need you two get captured we find there secret place and we can set up a flair for the cops to see and me monty and zipper will set up a trap for fatcat and tammy bing and a boom we catch them so?" Chip looked at dale then look at gadget all the memories were fluding all at once chip getting shock punched whip even cut stabbed and starved it was so cold and lonely threats pain and so much blood. Chip didn't even notice he was crying until dale was saying something. "Hay chip chipper your okay I'm right here no one will hurt you I be with you it's okay." As dale hugged chip. Chip huged back whipped his eyes. "Well rangers we have a job to do." So everone grab there outfits and got them on and meet back in the living room. "Okay each one of us grab a tracking device and hide it some where they wont find it." As gadget handed the Tracking device to each ranger. Chip and dale were ready so where gadget monty and zipper. "Good luck guys rescue rangers." As chip ran out same with dale. "And we know you guys are taking the plane so no worry we can walk." As dale yelled while catching up with chip. "Okay let's go dale last time I remember they were in a old abandoned warehouse if not there fatcat lair so witch one frist." As chip looked at dale. "Dale?" As chip moved closer to dale waved his hand in front dale face no response chip tryed snapping his finger. Dale shock his head and looked at chip. "Sorry what did you say?" As dale was scratching the back of his head. "You okay you kinda just froze in place you kinda freaked me out." As chip looked at dale worried. "Yea sorry I was thinking what if we just go to fatcat lair instead the warehouse I still I those horrible memories seeing you all scared up and I dont what go back there." As dale scratch the back his head again. "Oh dale I dont what to eather but we need to find fatcat and tammy so we can get captured and the other rangers to you know what." As chip walked up to dale and huged him. Dale hugged him back. "I know I just dont what to loss you i need you." As dale grab chip a little harder." "I love you dale." As chip hugged him harder as well. "Love yea to chippy." As dale let go of chip. "I'm ready let's go." As dale grab chip hand they both went off they arrived the abandoned warehouse chip open a creak of the warehouse door he poke his head in look left then right poked his out and look at dale. "The Coast is clear." As chip open the door fully and chip grabbed dale hand they walked in the abandoned warehouse chip frozed when he saw the missing punching bag. Memories came flashing in like a speeding bullet about to hit someone. Dale squesed chips hand to show that he was thier with him no matter what. Chip had some tears he wiped it away and kept moving. "Come on we need to keep searching."as chip walked away from the punching bag area dale hated to see chip like this he felt so much rang. Chip heard a glass broke he grab dale and hid behind a suspicious crate. Chip poke his head out to see fatcat and tammy. They were arguing about something but of what. Chip thought to himself. "No I'm done I cant do this no more they will catch on we should just stop this where it is." Tammy said "no I want them gone they always have been in  the way I want them gone one way or another so destroy them!"as the person turn around it looks like another chipmunk but older than chip or dale  he had dark chocolate fur and light Orange eyes had a bule jeans and had a button up white shirt and a gold watch on his wrist and has a silver chain around his neck. Chip was thinking to himself  "he kinda looks like my dad He whispered to dale."  "dale?" As chip looked behind him. "HMPHEW" dale was struggling out of fatcats grip. "Dale! Let him go fatcat!" As chip was ready to fight fatcat. "seriously this is the leader who has been running are plans oh please he looks pethatic grab him." Fatcat grab chip as well. Fatcat brought chip to the weird chipmunk neither chip nor dale ever saw before. "Let's me guess you dont what the amulet of zombiea do you." Chip looked at the chipmunk. "Yes your pretty smart mabey you could join me we can be the smartest chipmunks in the world and everyone else will be stupid how dose that sound?" The chipmunk grab chip chin and lift it up to see his eyes. "ARE YOU NUTS YOUR GOING TO MAKE EVERYONE STUPID IF THERE TO DUMB THEY WONT KNOW HOW TO BREATH YOUR A IDIOT!" Chip bark at the chipmunk. "Tch I really thought this would work welp I guess I have to get rid of you to then really was hopping you would say yes to bad chip." As he was going to walk away. "How do you know my name?!" Chip yelled. The chipmunk turned around and walked to chip. "You dont Remember me?" The chipmunk walked closer to chip. Chip blink his eyes. "Nope not a clue?" The chipmunk slapped his face and brought it down. "Really you ruin my life you destroyed my hard work you made me into this I was the one who took your friend away nothing rings a bell."  Chip looked at dale. Dale shock his head as a I dont know. Chip looked back at the chipmunk. "No wait no sorry I just dont know." Chip looked at the chipmunk. "Oh my fucking God I'm sweet Pete!" As he got frustrated. "No sweet Pete had a reck it Ralph arm cat face and woody leg and transformed leg and had a fatcat ear tail and a canon arm." Chip said as he looked at the chipmunk. "Alright you got me I'm not him I'm. As the chipmunk was trying to say. "Just get on to it we dont have all day." As chip rolled his eyes. "Okay god I'm Markes and I have some one work for me that you know." As Markes walked up to chip and dale." "Wait markes that's my fathers name?" As chip eyes open. "Your working for my father aren't you kaven!" As chip growld angrily. "And gadget was double crossed us this hole time that's why I had a back up plan now monty!" Monty crashed through the window and zipper came out as well zipper distracted fatcat makeing fatcat drop dale and chip. Chip ran for his father dale tryed to follow but he stop gadget got in the way. "Why gadget I thought we were friends?" Dale asked. "I had to my grandmother is held captive from them!" Gadget said a upset tone. "I dont believe you!" Dale yelled and got a fighting stand. Gadget moved to get out of Dale's way to help chip. "Go he needs you." Gadget said and moved. Dale was confused but just ignored it and ran to help chip. Chip was running to find the person behind this he saw a chipmunk outline of a window of a room. Chip ran to the room slamed open the door to find his own father. Chip froze chip couldn't believe it his mom was getting a gun pointed at her head and his own father was using her as a hostage. Chip was pissed no furious. "Let her go." Chip said in a low tone. "Ah ah not until you drop down to your knees and stay then I will let her go but that also means you and your mother trade spots and if you trick me I will kill her right in front of you you understand?" As chip father point the gun on chip.  Dale was running he sees some figures of the window he ran to the figures windows. Chip did what he was told he slowly went down on his knees. Chip father pushed chip mom to chip. "Mom are you okay as he grabbed her. "I'm fine." Chip mom said. "Get over here now!" Chip father yelled. Chip did what he said he went towards his father chip looked back to see his mom but he sees a similar red with yellow flower shirt. Chip smiled. Dale came crashing in. That distracted chips dad. Chip punch his father gut made him drop his gun chip kick it far away and started to fight his father. Dale was so confused but snapped back to reality he asked the mam'e if they where okay and come with them. Dale was walking out with the lady and give her to monty then dale ran back to chip. Chip kept punching his father over and over until his father blocked his punch and his father punched chip made him fly back to hit the wall and land the floor. Chip was trying to get up but he fell again chip father walked to chip and  lift his chin up. "Your pathetic excuse of a son I really thought you would be better than some stupid detective/cop." As chip father pick up chip and started to choke chip was struggling of his father grip. Chip started to have tears and was still trying to struggle out of his grip. "To bad I have to kill you know I always hated you." Chip father grip harden. Chip couldn't fight he was losing breath fast. Chip was getting sleepy he was about to close his eyes until. Dale came crashing through the door and jump the chipmunk who has chip. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH MY HUSBAND!" As dale jump the chipmunk made him drop chip. "Gasp  Coughing D dale Dale." As chip got up ran to help dale. Chip father grab dale and fling him. Chip  Caught dale. "Are you alright?" Chip look at his father he put dale down gently and ran towards his father and pin him down on the floor. "Go get some rop or handcuffs Now!" As chip looked at dale then look back to his father. Dale ran off to find something to help he saw a flair gun and some chipmunk size handcuffs he didn't ask why but just grabbed them and started to run back to chip. Chip father was struggling out of his son grip. Until his father kicked him in the stomach that made chip loss his balance but didn't stop him from keeping his father down. "HURRY UP I dont know how much longer I can keep him like this!" As chip made his grip harder. "I'm back here will these work?" As dale switch sides with chip and gave him the handcuffs and flair gun. "Umm yea that would work. As chip handcuffed his father to a desk. Chip grab dale hand ran out side and used a flair gun to  Signal the police. The police came chip and dale saw their best friend police officer ellie. Chip was navigating ellie and other fellow cops. "This way this is where we put him." Chip was saying while showing them were they put his father. "Here he is right here." As chip looked at the spot. "What he was right here I sware."as chip walked closer to the place he saw a paper clip on the handcuffs lock chip pulled it out to have a closer inspection. "That  Son of a bitch Escape ugh that asshole great if my life wasn't even worse now I have a crazy lonictic father trying to kill me just fucking great!" As chip started to throw stuff around and cursing and screaming. Ellie tryed to make chip clam down but he slapped her hand away. Until the other police officers asked ellie who can clam him down. "Dale could probably." Office ellie said to the other officers. So they brought in dale to make chip clam down. "Hay babe want to talk about it or just want a hug or a kiss?" As dale walked closer to chip. Dale rapped his arms around chip and kissed him on the cheek he whispered in his ear. "Is that better~" dale kissed chip again. Chip huged dale back and aswerd. "Yea thanks let's just go home before we leave thou I want to see my mom." As chip got up walked out of the warehouse. Chip saw his mother and ran to her. "Are you hurt son?" As chip mom looked at him. "Son!!" Ever ranger was shocked that the hasting was chips mother. "Yea I'm fine mom oh uh this is the gange this is Monterey jack." as chip showed monty. "Good day my lady."  "And this is gadget." As chip also showed his mother. "Golly nice to meet you." As gadget shook her hand. "This is zipper." Chip showed his mom. "Hi." Zipper said. "Last but not least my husband Dale you remember Dale right mom?" As chip grabbed dale hand. "Why yes I do how are you dale." Chip mother asked. "Oh fine ms. Loran." Dale squeased chip hand a little. "Good it was nice meeting you all." As chip mother started to walk away. Dale sigh "your mom is scary." As dale looked at chip. "Oh she not that bad." As chip kissed dale on the lip and got in the ranger plane. "What are we waiting for let's go home." As chip waited. "Now were talkin." As dale ran jump in the ranger plane so did ever other rangers. "Bye ellie." As all the ranger waved bye to the offices they finally made it to the ranger HQ gadget landed the plane whent inside and gadget told them why she had to betray them they forgive her dale whent to chip and his room he got undressed chip came to thier room and also got undressed. Dale had a thought but was afraid to say it chip also had a thought but was also afraid to say it as well. "Hey chip?" Dale said. "Yea babe?" Chip said. "I have something in my mind." Dale said "me too." Chip said "let's both say it at the same time." Dale said "okay." Chip said "one to three I what a baby!" Chip and dale both said at the same time and both of them shocked that they both want the same thing a baby. "How did you know what I was going to say?" dale asked.  Chip just smiles because were ment to be together. "But my question is how do we get one?" Dale asked. "I know a guy." Chip said as he pulled a dale. Dale just laughs. "I love you chip." "I love you to dale." As they both kiss and aebt to bed happily but one thing for sure some one will be seeking out for revenge. TO BE CONTINUED

sorry if it took so long and please leave a comment for the kids name
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chip n dale rescue rangersWhere stories live. Discover now