landing in London

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Chip and dale arrive at the airport dale had the bags and walked up to the front desk. "Hi 4 tickets for london." as dale look up at the desk the lady looked at dale. "Right okay 4 tickets for london please place your bag on the weight." Dale did as said the weight wass 20grams. The lady looked at dale "it's to big you cant have it to big please remove a thing." Dale looked at the women confused. "Umm miss look I'm in a hurry can we just sick this bullshit and I cant remove anything because its baby stuff okay so will you just be a little more nicer to me thanks and I'm dale from chip n dale rescue rangers we have a moive and everything so can you just be kinda you know not rude." As dale grabed his bag. The lady open her eyes. "Wow your dale from chip n dale and I'm Ariel from the little mermaid." As the lady rolled her eyes. Dale was not haveing it he walked away and told chip he cant go through because the lady was being a dick. Chip tryed "umm hello can I please get some tickets please for london. "Omg your chip of course how many tickets for london?" The lady asked "4 please." As chip grabed the tickets and left. Chip grabed dale hand and walk inside the plane and found thier seat chip hold his baby's and started to feed them. One of the lady's was grossed out by this. "Umm excuse me can you please stop that its gross and your showing a bad example for my children and no one wants to see you brest feeding your child!" The lady said disguised chip was confused he was feeding his child a bottle dale also looked confused. "Umm my husband isn't brest feeding hes a male and hes just feeding are child a bottle and so am I as he was holding Zane. Chip was holding Alice. "Yea I'm not brest feeding I was giveing my child milk so yea I'm sorry if I grossed you out." As chip tryed to be nice. "Omg he hit me get rid of this passenger he hit me omg owww some one help me!" As the lady lied. Dale figure something out. "YOUR A KAREN!" Dale yelled. "DALE!" "The kids." As chip heard screaming and crying as chip shush them. "Sorry my love." As dale shush the kids as well. "Hi can I help you" the pilot lady asked. "Yes can we get VIP please the lady here is kinda rude and scared my kids." As chip kept trying to calm their baby's. The lady knew straight away it was the famous chip n dale. "Of course right this way and were almost there in London." As the lady showed the family the vip room. Finally they landed in London  and hope on a carge and drop off near 211b baker street. As chip check the map. "Yep this is the place come on and get out this rain." As chip grabbed dale hand and walked to the door and knocked. The door was answer by some moue has a mustache and looked to be in his 80s or something like that. "Oh my you looked like your in some kind of trouble come in get out of this bad storm." As he greets us in the place. Me and dale walk in. While dale holding the baby I looked around to see some wired contraptions around the place.  "have you seen basil of baker street?" as dale put down the sleeping baby's.  "yes i'm David Q. Dawson i'm basil assistant." as Dawson tip his hat.  "i'm chip and this is dale my husband." as chip shacked his hand. finally basil came down the stairs. "aha guest and i didn't even get food hello i'm basil of baker street please to meet you chip n dale."  chip was stunned how did this guy know his name. "how did you know my name?" chip asked. "easy your hat has your name on it plus your wearing your normally chip n dale rescue rangers outfit and i'm assuming this here is your husband dale am i correct?"  as basil did his normal smirk. "why yes." dale said "well then why don't we start tomorrow morning  it must've took a long trip." as basil moved chip n dale grabbed their baby's as they were going to  their  guest room.  basil grabbed Dawson hand and went to their room.  and all slept well TO BE Continue.

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