Chapter One

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Rowan's P.O.V

I always imagined going on dates would get easier, the butterflies would fade, and the slight blush would eventually disappear. I never imagined myself on another date either, after my high school sweetheart cheated on me. But yet here I am, standing in front of one of the most expensive restaurants in New York, wearing a maya blue, ankle length dress and a pair of plain white sandles. I was never one for heels.

My ankles are rather weak...

My palms are sweaty, butterflies are practically eating me from the inside out and a blush spreads across my cheeks like a wildfire. I take a deep breath and pray my anxiety away before finally taking a step of faith, I enter into the white tile and black walled restaurant. It was the new 'it' and 'trendy' spot for influencers from all networks to hangout and blog about. It's been floating around social media for the past few weeks as Aries, my overly confident roommate, announced when she informed me, I had a date this Tuesday with a man I have yet to be acquainted with. But that's how Aries was, she herself liked surprises and risks, I on the other hand liked knowing everything and always acted out of caution as to what the outcome might be.

I glance around the open floor plan and take note of the packed dining area. Teenagers are laughing and taking pictures, while couples sit tucked in the darkened corners sharing passionate kisses and seductive whispers. Rather as older men sit scattered around the room all by themselves well, if you don't include the personal security team consisting of two men each, positioned around them.

"Are you Miss Green?"

A waitress approaches me with a soft yet slightly fake smile, one that comes with the job, I guess.

Confused as to how she knows my name, I simply yet slowly nod to confirm her question.

"Very well, Mr. Whitlock awaits you."

So that's his name...

Aries didn't give many details about the man but the information she did care to inform me of was only the time and place. She'd come home one night overly happy, it immediately set alarms off in my head as Aries never left her job as a waitress happy. Apparently according to her an attractive man had come into the dive bar and she'd had the pleasure of serving him. And to no surprise Aries did her typical flirty behavior she always did when around men, rather they were her type or not. Even if they were too old or young it did not prevent Aries from flirting for, she had the tongue of a seductive devil promising false desires.

I try to overlook her sinful ways because as my God tells his people, we should not judge, we should love the person not their sin. And who am I to judge? I have sinned in more ways than I should be forgiven.

"I must say you are one lucky woman. The moment Mr. Whitlock walked through those doors' half the female population followed."

Her words do little to make me feel lucky instead they make me feel insecure. I should've known he was handsome, or Aries wouldn't have sent me here to see if he was worth her time. Yes, I'm here to simply see if this man is worth my best friend's time.

I'm awful I know.

I anxiously run my hands down my wider hips praying he doesn't make a comment about my curvier body. I'm 5'0 and roughly twenty pounds over the recommend weight. I try to not allow my weight to define my worth or whom I am as a woman but with the world's twisted standards on how a women should look, it's hard to overlook my medium sized body.

I drift out of my thoughts as I follow the waitress to a round table in the back. A cream tablecloth lays over the table and cascades towards the ground elegantly. A window is seated next to our table and gives a decent view of the dirty city. But the tablecloth nor the window is what catches my attention.

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