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Nancy already knows Robin's is lesbian in this.
It was the month of prom and Robin didn't have a date. She was tuning about asking out a girl but all the girls had dates and were straight, plus she didn't have the courage too. She did end up going with one girl though. Nancy Wheeler. Her and Robin didn't really talk but thanks to Steve, Nancy is now Robin's date to prom. Nancy didn't have a date and her and Jonathan's relationship was going down hill so they broke up.

Anyways, Robin was hella nervous. 1, because Nancy was fucking pretty. 2, Robin kind of had a crush on her. Yes, they didn't talk but Robin would see Nancy around school. She was so pretty! Nancy would look at Robin for a split second and Robin would be a blushing mess. Currently, Robin was getting ready, getting a pep talk from Steve.

"Relax Rob, Nancy's really nice and I'm sure you guys will get along perfectly fine." Steve said.

"B-but, what if she thinks I'm weird? What if she doesn't like my suit? What if she thinks I'm trying to like hit on her or something? What if-." "Robin! You're gonna be ok!" Steve said, cutting her off.

Robin sighed. She nodded and Steve tried his best to calm her down. Steve was done helping Robin get ready and her drove her to the school. Robin's hands were shacking a bit. She was really nervous.

"Relax Robin. You're gonna be fine." Steve said.

Robin only nodded and got out the car, starting to walk into the school.

"I'll pick you up later!" Steve said.

"Thanks dingus!" She said.

She was now in the gym. She stood against the wall, trying to look around for Nancy, seeing if she was here or not. Robin didn't see here so she assumed she wasn't here yet. She waisted for a few minutes, seeing if Nancy would come through the doors but she didn't. Robin started to get into her thoughts.

'What if she didn't come because she didn't want to be seen with me? What if Steve lied to me? What if she lied to Steve? What if she did this as a joke? What if she saw me and ran?'

She started feeling her hands shake. That's when she felt a hand grab her hands. She jumped slightly. She looked up to see Nancy.

"Hey." Nancy greeted.

"H-hi!" Robin quickly greeted.

She looked at her hands and immediately blushed. Nancy saw she was still holding Robin's hand.

"Sorry." Nancy said, letting go of her hands.

"It's o-ok!" Robin says.

Nancy giggled softly. "Relax, I'm not going to bite you." Nancy says.

Robin gave her a nervous smile. Robin saw how Nancy looked. Her makeup, hair, dress. An angel.

"I like your dress." Robin compliments.

Nancy gave her a soft smile. "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." Nancy said.

Robin blushed more. "T-thank you!"

Both girls made small talk. They got a drink and took a seat on the bleachers. Robin found out more things Nancy which made her fall for her more. Robin would make a stupid joke then immediately apologize for its stupidity which made Nancy laugh. Nancy's laugh made Robin have heart eyes. Holy shit, she really was in love. Anyways, it had been like two hours or so and slow music started playing.

Everyone made their way to the gym floor, if they weren't already there, and start dancing. Nancy looked at Robin who was already looking at her. Nancy gave her a look.

"What?" Robin asked, tilting her head slightly.

"Wanna dance?" She asks.

"I don't know how to dance." Robin says.

"It's ok, I'll teach you." Nancy says, holding out her hand.

Robin hesitantly took Nancy's hand. Nancy pulled her to the gym floor and stood in front of her. Nancy places Robin's hands on her shoulders and Nancy places her hands on Robin's waist.

"All you have to do is keep your hands on my shoulder and follow my steps, ok?" Nancy said.

"Ok." Robin said.

"Ok, so first we take on step right, then one step left, then one step back, and one step front, ok?" Nancy said.

Robin nodded. They did the steps, Robin stepping on Nancy's feet a few times, immediately apologizing afterwards. Nancy reassured her that she's fine. Robin finally learns how to do it, without stepping on Nancy. Another song comes on and it's a faster moving song. Everyone, with their partners, starts dancing, being twirled, dipped, all that. Nancy decided to do that to Robin.

She grabs one of Robin's hands and spun her around, causing Robin to freak out. Nancy giggles at Robin's sacredness. Robin is back in front of Nancy, one of her hands in Nancy and the other one her shoulder while Nancy's hand was holding Robin's and the other was on Robin's waist.

"You're so cute when you freak out." Nancy laughed.

Robin's whole face was red. She just started at Nancy, her eyes widen. Out of fear and shock from Nancy's calling her cute. Nancy stopped laughing and looked at Robin.

"What?" She asks.

"Y-you called me cute." She says.

"Well you are." Nancy smiled.

Robin mouth was slightly opened. Nancy Wheeler just called her cute. Robin immediately covered her face. She heard Nancy laugh. Robin eventually calmed down. Nancy and Robin went back to the bleachers. They continued to talk about random things, Nancy listen to Robin rant.

"Hey Robin?" Nancy said.

"Yea?" Robin replied.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Nancy asks.

Robin's eyes widen. Nancy just asked her out. Nancy fucking Wheeler asked her out. She just stared at Nancy.

'Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg! Omg!' Robin thought.

"Yes!" She said quickly.

Nancy smiled softly. "Great, how's tomorrow?" Nancy asks.

"That's fine!" Robin says.

Nancy smile grows. Nancy and Robin now talk about the date. Where they can go, what they can do, all that jazz. The prom ended and Nancy waited outside with Robin until Steve came. A few minutes passed and Steve showed up.

"Bye Nance." Robin says.

"Bye Robin, see you tomorrow." Nancy says.

Robin gives her a soft smile. She enters Steve's car and watches as Nancy walks away. Steve drives away and after a few minutes he speaks.

"Let it out." He sighs.

"Omg! Best date ever! She taught me to dance! She called me cute! Her laugh- omg! Fucking adorable! Her looks! Her dress! Everything! Holy shit! She asked me out! She-." "Hold it! She asked you out?!" Steve asked.

Robin looked at him and nodded.

"Holy shit Robin, this is your first date!" Steve says.

"I know and it's with Nancy Wheeler!" Robin yells.

"When is it? Where is it?" Steve asked.

"It's tomorrow and we haven't decided yet." Robin says.

"Tomorrow?! Holy shit, I gotta prepare you!" Steve says.

What will tomorrow bring? Will this date be a fail?
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, I didn't proof read it😅

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