Chapter 6

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At the same time when Kendall and Jo were meeting, Camille walked into the hospital to start her shift. But even before the automatic doors had closed completely, she realized that something was wrong. Several people were running around, apparently looking for someone or something. Camille was about to ask a male nurse about the problem when Jen spotted her and rushed over.

"Oh, Camille. I'm so glad you're here."

"Jen, what's going on?"

Jen looked distressed as she replied, "It's about Logan. He was supposed to have one of his final physical checkups in a few minutes, but when a nurse came to get him, his room was empty. We don't know where he is. He didn't leave a note. Nobody knows if he just went somewhere else or if something happened to him."

"How can I help?" Camille asked, feeling slight panic and fear inside her. Logan was gone?

"To be honest, I don't know. The most important thing is to find Logan, but I also have so many other things to do. In the laundry room, for example, there is still a full load of bed linen and towels, and-"

"I'll take care of the laundry," Camille offered. Jen nodded gratefully. "That would be a great help for me. And please keep an eye out for Logan too, yes? And if you find him, please let me know right away, okay?"

"I promise," Camille said, then she took Jen hands in hers. "Don't worry, we'll find him."

"Yes, I hope so." Without saying another word, she ran off in the opposite direction while Camille made her way to the laundry room with a worried look on her face.

As expected, the basement was empty. Camille quickly found the trolley. She was about to start folding the laundry when she suddenly heard a cough. She paused. She had been sure that she was alone. "Hello?" she called, but got no answer. She peered around the room, but from her current position, she could only see a small part of it. So she went through the door that connected the two halves of the room. Camille had never been the fearful type, on the contrary, she was a curious person. So she entered the second half of the large basement room and couldn't believe her eyes. In this part of the basement were welded-in mattresses. And Logan was sitting on one of them.


He gave her a quick glance, physically turning away from her, hoping that would protect him from her gaze. Camille's concern and fear for Logan had turned to relief at the sight of him. But now she felt a slight anger rising in her. "Are you aware that everyone is looking for you while you're hiding down here?!"

"I'm not hiding," Logan said quietly.

"No? Then what are you doing here?" she asked him, crossing her arms.

"I . . . I'm just sitting here, hoping no one will find me." There was something in his voice that made her anger subside and she sat down on next to him. "Why?"

He shook his head. "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"It's silly."

"I'd still like to hear it."

When he remained silent, she got up. "Fine. If you don't want to tell me what's going on, I'll go and tell Jen where you are." She was almost back at the connecting door when Logan said, "Please, Camille, don't go to Jen. Not yet."

She stopped, turned and came back to him. She sat down next to him again. "I'm listening."

When he was still silent because he couldn't seem to think of the right words, Camille remembered Jen's words. She quietly asked Logan, "Has it something to do with your checkup?"

Logan sighed. "It's just . . . you know, the last time I did my exercises with Kendall, I had my collapse. And I'm scared that . . . that something might happen during this checkup. I mean, it's not that I hate it here, but . . . but I really want to go home."

Camille had mixed feelings. On the one hand she was feeling sorry for Logan, on the other hand there was this small circumstance that she would miss him very much. But this wasn't about her and it was her job to try to calm Logan's fears, regardless of her own wishes. "And what if everything goes well? That would mean you could be home soon, wouldn't it?"

"Yes," he said hesitantly, not in the least confident. Then Camille had an idea. "And what if I come with you?"

"You would really do that?" he asked in surprise. Camille smiled. "Of course."

"But . . . but what if something does happen?"

Camille grinned. "Then you'll have to put up with me for a while."

Logan smiled slightly. "I think there are worse things than that."

Camille stood up and gave him an encouraging look. "Come on, let's go."

Logan took a deep breath, then nodded and got up as well. "Okay." But before they left the basement, Logan said, "Camille?"


"Would you do me the favor and not telling anyone why I was . . . hiding? I would be really, really uncomfortable if someone knew."

Camille nodded. "Of course, Logan. You can trust me."

"Thank you, Camille."

Jen was still literally running down the halls when she heard Camille's voice, "Jen!"

Jennifer Knight turned around and was relieved to see Camille walking towards her with Logan by her side. Jen looked at Logan reproachfully. "I hope you have a very good explanation, young man."

Logan looked down in embarrassment. "I'm really sorry, Jen. I needed . . . I just wanted a few minutes to myself."

"You have an entire room to yourself, Logan."

He nodded. "Yes. But I didn't want anyone to come in, so I went to a place where I could actually be alone, without any disturbances. I didn't realize I was causing so much inconvenience. I'm sorry, it won't happen again, I promise."

Jen sighed heavily. "Okay. You're here and you're fine, that's the important thing. But now it's really time for your checkup."

Camille took this point in the conversation as her sign to get involved, "Um, Jen? Would it be possible if I go with Logan? I am really interested in this procedure."

Jen thought for a moment. "Well, if Logan doesn't mind . . . "

"That's all right, Jen. I really don't mind."

Camille looked at Logan. "Come on, let's go."

Logan nodded and led the way, Camille followed. Jen watched them leaving, smiling softly. 'These two would make a cute couple,' she thought to herself, and, still smiling, made her way to the laundry room to take care of her daily duties.

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