Chapter 9

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School was terrible. No, that wasn't entirely true. The school itself was fine. The students were terrible. And this year they were no different. But now, Camille had something to focus on so she could ignore the nasty gossip of her classmates. Logan. It was good to think of him, it felt good to be with him . . . and yet . . . and yet there was one thing she couldn't let go of . . .

On this Friday during lunch break, Camille and Jo were sitting outside in the sun. It could have been a wonderful and carefree day, but Jo could tell that something was wrong with Camille.

"Okay, what's the matter? And now don't tell me everything's okay, because I can see it's not."

With a sigh, Camille lowered her sandwich. She stared thoughtfully at the sky for several seconds before saying slowly, "Jo . . . what exactly does it mean being together with another person? Is there some sort of protocol for that matter or something like that?"

"Is this about Logan or is it more a general question?"

Camille said nothing and with that Jo had her answer. She leaned forward and placed a hand on Camille's right arm. "What's the problem? I thought you were so happy with him?"

"I am, I really am. Logan is great. But . . . I just thought being with someone else would be . . . different, you know?"

"Why, what happened?"

"Nothing . . . absolutely nothing. That's the problem."

"I don't understand . . ."

"Logan is . . . so different. He's so reserved and shy and . . . and we haven't even kissed yet."

"Oh . . ." Jo took some time to process what she had just heard, then she said, "But we knew that from the start, didn't we? I mean, that he's different. And the thing about kissing, well, maybe he wants to, but doesn't know how to go for it. He respects you, maybe a little too much. Have you spoken to him about it?"

Camille sighed. "No. I'm afraid he might take this too personally and will feel guilty. I don't want to do that to him."

"You know it can still happen, right? Maybe he waits so long because he's scared of losing you. Maybe he wants to be sure that you're actually staying before he commits himself completely to this relationship."

Camille nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, maybe. But-" The buzzing of her cell phone interrupted her. She picked it up and looked at the display, smiling slightly. "Guess who."

"I can imagine," Jo said with a grin. Camille answered the call. "Hey, Logan."

"Um, hey, Camille. I'm not calling during a class, am I?"

"No, we're on lunch break, so perfect timing. What's up?"

"Um . . . I don't know if you have any plans for this afternoon, but . . . um, I have an important check-up appointment this afternoon at three-thirty and I wanted to know if you might . . . if you would like to come with me."


"Of course you don't have to if you don't want to. I just thought . . . we could do something together afterwards. But if you have other plans, then-"

"Logan, I'd love to come to your appointment."


"Yes. Just tell me where to go and I'll see you there."

"All right, here we are."

"Thanks, Dad."

"Are you sure you don't want me to come in? You know, being a supportive father."

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