Chapter 14 (Part 2)

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It took him a while to find the spot, but when he finally did, he smiled and nodded in satisfaction. "Like the old days," Jeffrey murmured, settling down on the dry grass. From his position, he was close enough to keep an eye on the kids in case something unforeseen should happen, and far enough away to not overhear their conversation. He'd barely opened his book when his cell phone buzzed. He didn't even have to look at the display to know who was calling.

"Where is he?!"

"Yes, it's nice talking to you as well."

"Where. Is. My. Son?!"

"Well, first of all, he's my son too. And to answer your question, I thought it would be a good idea to take him on a little trip."

"Is he alright?"

"Yes. In fact, he's doing better than he has been in weeks."

"Where are you?" Her voice now sounded resigned, exhausted.

"I think you know where we are."

"Okay, I'm coming."

"Take the parking lot on the west side. I'll wait for you at our spot."

A comfortable silence had fallen as they both sat there peacefully. Then Logan turned his head and looked at Camille. The way she looked out at the lake was incredibly comforting for him. He didn't want to break this silence, but there were things on his mind that were bothering him, and as long as he didn't have answers, he wouldn't find any peace.

"So . . . you and James . . . are you happy?"

Camille turned to him, blinking in confusion. "James and I? What are you talking about?"

"Well, I just . . . it's been eight weeks, two months. That's been a long time and-"

"Wait, you think I started going out with James?"

"This idea is not as far-fetched as you might think. After all, he has shown a clear interest in you."

"Logan, James and I are just friends. I mean, yeah, he's great and cool, he's funny and I really enjoy hanging out with him. But he's not boyfriend material, at least not for me. 'Cause there's only one guy for me."

"Oh, so there's a third one?"

"No, just you," she said softly, placing a hand on his forearm. Logan swallowed. "Really?"

"If that's what you want . . ."

"More than anything else."

"That's good. Because I feel the same way," Camille whispered, kissing him lightly on the lips.

"I never realized how much I missed that until now," Logan said softly. Her answer was a beaming smile.

"Is he alright?"

"Yes, he's fine. Look." Jeffrey pointed to the opposite side of the lake.

"You left him alone? Are you-?"

"He's not alone."

Joanna's face hardened. "Is that-?"


"What is she doing here?"

"I invited her. This madness has to end, Anna."

"But she is-"

"Exactly that kind of medication he needs the most. And you, as a mother, must recognize that too."

"She won't be able to cure him."

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