Chapter 4 - Down the Corridor

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We'd finished English, and Cel and I had just said bye to Nico as she wondered off to her Reg. It had been hard to concentrate on my lesson, even if I'm not sat next to Cel. All I could think about was his face, and the way he smiles at me like we're a secret that no-one can know about. His eyes, his hair but just his smile is enough for me. But, he's older than me and probably just thinks I'm a pretty face in a crowd. Yeah, that's it. Anyway, I've got school stuff to focus on at the minute. Our GCSEs aren't due properly for another year, but the life decisions we must make are already being shoved down our throats. It's like they're saying that we could wake up with a career and family responsibilities tomorrow! I understand how important it is, but let's be honest, I'm not going to leave school for another 3-4 years! And then I'll probably go to uni!

Anyway, we reached the class room door. It was a tutor period, and we were in an ICT class room. It was split into two halfs, with computers on each desk, which was good as we could quickly do homework before the next period started. I and Cel walked in quick, just as the teacher said our names (we were next to each-other on the register). We sat in our usual little circle near the door, that contained Rhi, Zoe, Daisy and us two. As we plonked ourselves down, all three of them raised their eyebrows, as we'd just disrupted a very fluent conversation. I think it was about this morning.

"So..." Rhi started.

"Yeah?" Cel asked, innocently.

"We were, um..... wondering...." Daisy mumbled.

"About what happened this morning!" Zoe burbled. "I'm so confused! What aren't you telling us? Why were you magically angry then happy?"

"Ha ha, well, er..." Cel said

"It's nothing, don't worry." I said quickly, flashing a pair of eyes at Cel telling her to shut up. She nodded to say she understood, and I continued "It was just a passing thing, nothing to worry about."

"Righ-t" Rhi said, obviously not believing us. At that time, there was a small knock on the door.

"Come in." Our teacher said in a raised voice, and a couple of people around the other side of the room beckoned whoever was behind the door to come in. As the door swung open, a kid in the year above us walked in, and I and Celeste immediately recognised him. We turned to face Daisy, who had somehow ducked her head so low, you just thought there was a purple cherry sat next to us (her hair was purple you see). Cel ducked to see her face, and when she re-emerged she smiled and mouthed at me

"She's gone bright red." 

We smiled. Johnnie Guilbert had come in.

"Yes?" Our tutor questioned towards Johnnie.

"Could I speak with..." He looked down at a piece of paper in his hand "Daisy Welsh, please." The teacher nodded in response and I, Cel, Rhi and Zoe broke out in silent laughter at the mortified look on Daisy's face. She had a giant crush on him, I have no idea why she hides it. Zoe nudged Daisy, still crying with laughter, for her to get up and follow Johnnie outside.

"Go on, Daisy." Rhi forced down an outbreak of laughter, so her tone was trying to be serious but ended up turning out to be a bad Forest Gump impression. This made up double over in more fits of hysterical laughter. Daisy raised herself slowly and walked towards the door. Johnnie disappeared around the corner of the door-frame, so he couldn't see our faces. Daisy sent a look of pleading, but we just made heart-shapes with our hands. She shot a final look of 'When I get my hands on you, I'm going to kill you', and vanished outside with Johnnie. By this time, we were all crying with laughter.

Daisy still hadn't returned five minutes later when the teacher dismissed us.

"Oh S**T!" Cel said furiously to herself, and our friend Molly across the room pointed to the teacher and then pressed a finger over her mouth, signalling for her to pipe down.

"That was really loud, Cel!" Rhi said glancing at the teacher. "What's up?"

"I forgot to do some homework" Celeste grumbled "And- oh, I need to buy a drink from Hall 1." I sighed, shaking my head at Cel.

"Don't worry Cel, I'll get you a drink" I said, chuckling at her forgetfulness "You stay here with these two and finish it quick."

"Thank you!" Cel said, and hugged me briefly, before going into extreme-speed mode and logging onto a computer.

"You want one of us to go with you?" Zoe offered, but I shook my head saying

"It's all right, I'll only be a minute." To be honest, getting a drink was an excuse. I just wanted to see if the guy that had been smiling at me would be there. I dropped my bag, reached for my money-card and set off towards Hall 1 to grab a drink. I reached it, and joined the queue for drinks. I looked around to see if I could see him, but I couldn't. It's weird because my eyes normally find him straight away. But then again, he might be somewhere else, or still at his tutor. Oh well. I don't know what I wanted to do or say if I saw him anyway. I suppose I just wanted to see his face.

I paid for my 'summer fruits' drink for Cel (it was her favourite flavour by far), and set off back down the corridor. This one had ICT classrooms on the left (as you came from Hall 1), then a staircase leading off to the temporary music (the roof collapsed in the official block) and a bunch of toilets on right. As I passed each classroom, I peered in, making faces at people that I know that were still inside. I reached the classroom before our tutor, and the door was open. I bended my neck right around to see if there was anyone in there. Then someone grabbed the scruff of my neck and pulled me in the classroom, slamming the door behind me.

Two updates in one day, you lucky pineapples :). Let me know what you think please xx

Meep x

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