Chapter 19 - Getting kicked out of a library

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It felt weird getting on the bus the next day, not knowing what reactions would be in store and what would happen. I mean, staring out of the window, at the boring drizzle of a Tuesday morning, I had no idea what to expect. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, sure, but I wasn't sure on how to act. I had a boyfriend now, and had no idea how many people knew, plus yesterday was a pure riot. Everything and anything under the sun had happened. I cried A LOT, kissed a fair bit, made a FABULOUS new friend, strengthened the current relationships better than ever, discovered what love felt like, felt really happy for one of bezzie's who was also discovering it for the first time with me, and my boyfriend had met my parents. Oh, and I also had my phone back. I'm only teasing, I'll tell you how it went.

Leo said he could definitely come round after I explained the situation. His taxi arrived a few minutes later, and my parents were 'reasonable' with him. Well, my mum mainly sat and listened, and my dad did all the talking. But it went pretty well! They liked him and guess what... I GET TO KEEP HIM! I know it sounds like he's my pet, but I'm so happy. They actually liked him! They particularly found it interesting when he said he could play guitar, but of course my dad went onto interviewing him about his grades and as such. But he's very smart, so I wasn't worried. I watched the wind attack the trees, and squirrels run for their live's when leaves came hurling towards them. The rain smashed against the panes of the bus, and I had to move back a few times, just in case they cracked. The bus pulled up, and I was in no hesitation to get off of the bus and straight under the arches, where there was a bit of cover. I saw Nico hopping from foot to foot, trying to warm herself in the icy wind. When she saw me, she smiled and waved enthusiastically, and started hurling herself towards me. I slowed her, and she said

"Can-n we g-go ins-side ple-e-ase? It's fr-re-eezing." I nodded, shielding my face with my arm as we made our way to the right building to the shelter of the toasty library. I gave Cel and Rhi a quick text letting them know where we were. I knew if I stayed waiting for Cel she would be adamant about staying and waiting for the rest of them; something I could not do in this weather. Nico found us a table, and I watched her play a game called Love Live (Authors note: ??? - I hope it's right) which I was also EXTREMELY addicted to. But Nico was boss. Her hands whipped around it faster then I could blink. We were soon crept up on by Cel, who scared Nico from her focus of the game. The squeal caused the librarian to quickly raise her head and give Cel the look of death, and Cel quickly ducked down.

"Soooo why we in here?" Cel whispered to me, not wanting to disturb Nico as her wrath was more frightening then anyone else's.

"Well it is kind of freezing outside." I replied

"It's not THAT bad."

"I don't know what you've been experiencing."

"Guys shh she'll look at us again."

"Oh yes, after all I am very scared of her face." Cel said, and I had a fit of silent giggles.

"Oh my god you are terrible." Nico said, breaking from her game after the show finished.

"No, darling, I am AMAZING."

"You keep telling yourself that."

"Shut up! You'll get us thrown out!"

"I'm surprised she hasn't already, to be fair."

"You are ridiculous, Celeste Ross! You just don't care!"

"Nahh, life's to short to be giving a damn. Anywho, where's everyone else?" Cel stopped the quickly heating conversation for a much softer one.

"Not here yet? I don't know. I texted Rhi though" I replied. At that very moment, another 'Boo!' came from behind us, and with a scream from Nico we we're all kicked out thanks to Rhi and Zoe.

"Oh well done." I grumbled as we stepped back out into the frosty weather.

"Well I'm sorry!" Rhi said indignantly "I didn't think she'd throw us out!"

"Yeah well..." Cel said, rubbing her bare arms (for some reason she kept her sleeves rolled up ALL THE TIME) and shivering slightly as a quick gust blew our faces.

"Where to now?" Zoe wondered aloud, and we all looked around for options

"Shall we go to-" Nico started but was interrupted by me being pulled away by a magically appearing hand that I'd seen before.

"Hello Liz!" I voice I recognised as Leo's said and gave me a giant hug, and a quick kiss. I laughed a little at Leo, and when we pulled away I could see him smiling too. I looked towards the others and saw George wrap his arm around Cel's waist, and Oliver bear-hug Nico. A couple other friends of Leo and George appeared, one I recognised to be Steve and another two who I had no idea. One had cute brown hair that swiped lightly over his face, and the other had quite long black hair, that was quite straight. I saw Rhi and Zoe swoon slightly out of the corner of my eye. I looked back to Leo, who was still beaming at me. "Soo Liz... what did your parents think of me? Did they tell you?" Leo seemed extremely eager to know these answers I can't blame him - my parent were acting a bit tough come to think of it.

"Yes, Leo they loved you!"

"Really!? Woo!" He did a special little dance that made all of us giggle. But then he stopped for some reason and looked over to Cel and George, or rather, someone coming up behind them. I followed his gaze and saw Johnnie come up to Cel. Leo frowned, and George did more so, standing up straight to demonstrate the already clear height difference between them. Cel looked towards Johnnie, and Johnnie muttered something to her, Cel responding with a shake of her head, but still smiling. What was going on? Johnnie said something else to Cel, and she shook her head, this time her smile quavering a bit and she muttered something back. Johnnie looked at her with large eyes, before turning to leave, but was interrupted by George saying

"What do you want Sticky? Get away from her!" Johnnie looked at him with a startled look, then shuffled off quickly. I frowned at George.

"What was that for?" I asked. George looked at me but just shook his head, clinging onto Cel so strngly now it started to look painful.

"No, George, tell us! Why would you say that?!" Cel looked angry at George for a minute, and George looked quite upset.

"Cel, it's because he's a sticky pr**k!" Leo piped up from next to me, and my eyes immediately turned to him.

"Honestly, he's been horrible to Leo ever since Friday. I don't know what's wrong with him!" George said "I was only sticking up for him!"

"But he didn't say anything!"

"I know, but I don't want him to start with you too!" George looked at Cel with round eyes that could rival Leo's. "Seriously, he's crazy! I don't want him... you know..."

"What?" Cel said

"Flirting with you! Doing whatever! I don't know!" George looked scared now, knowing that it sounded quite ridiculous. Cel was as loyal as a lion when it comes to this sort of thing, and wasn't going to run off with Johnnie in any means.

"Oh my god! George! Seriously? He's just my friend!" She looked back at him quickly before giving him a hug "I would never." I heard her say into his neck, and Leo and I exchanged smiles saying the same thing. "Besides, he only wanted to know where Daisy was." I laughed at this, and was joined by the rest of the girls, who had been there through the entire conversation. The bell broke our wonderful laughter, and we all went our separate ways. How beautiful.

It's my muffin's birthday soon so I'm gonna make a special tribute chapter because a lot of stuff that I write is inspired by my friends but my little muffin is special so SPECIAL LOOONNNGGG chapter on the way! YAOY!

Love you pineapples

Meep x

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