Bear's best friend (Usopp)

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((Usopp x reader, romantically. A request from someone on Quotev.))


The Sunny sailed along slowly on the gentle currents, bathing in the warm sunlight of the day. Not a single cloud threw its shadow onto the wooden lioness.

Her sails were slack with no wind in them; they had been like this for two days already.

Nami said it would probably last for another three days. You hoped it would end sooner.

Not like it was bad, no. You weren't in a rush to get anywhere nor did you have to worry about a food shortage -assuming no one let Luffy into the pantry- but still, not being able to do anything was getting on your nerves.

Everyone else had their own little hobbies or tasks to do. Even if it was just permanently taking naps in the sun, like Zoro had been doing.

But you?

No matter how hard or often you brainstormed, anything that you liked to do wasn't possible on a ship in the middle of an ocean.

Well, there was one thing you could do.

Growing bamboo in the little garden on the upper deck.

That was also what you were doing right now. But let's be real here. Growing bamboo wasn't something that required a lot of attention. Especially not when you had the smartie Usopp to perfect the process with his ultimate plant science.

All you really had to take care of was digging holes, putting the shoots in the earth and occasionally watering them. That wasn't something to keep you occupied for five full days.

You had already spent two days doing that, now you were beginning to get restless.

Plopping back onto your butt, you leaned against one of Robin's flowerbeds as you looked up into the pale blue sky. You wished a surprise storm would come and shake things up a bit. At least then you could actually do something useful for the crew.

Sometimes you felt as though you didn't have a place in the everyday life of the StrawHats. As a fighter, sure. In combat you were probably in the top five with your zoan ability.

This kind of peaceful living though?

Not a chance.

You were clumsy, couldn't concentrate well and didn't have any useful homey skills either. Even if you did, everything was already taken care of. Sanji did the cooking, Chopper the healing, Franky and Usopp the inventing and so on.

It reminded you of how Brook had been during his first few days. Unsure where to fit into this well oiled machinery that was the crew.

Unlike you, he found his place really quickly though.

Speaking of, you could hear him warming up his vocals below the deck. Probably going to perform a song soon.

Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath of the salty sea air and listened to the skeleton's smooth voice for a moment. Luffy and Chopper's voices soon joined Brook and you heard Nami complaining.

Did you even have a place with the crew to begin with..?

It's not like they needed extra power in fights, each of them was strong enough in their own way. So... could you even say you fit in with them? You didn't have anything besides your strength. You had to rely on them in every other aspect of life.

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