Poly!Lost Boys x GN!Trans Queer Reader

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Request: None. This is just a retelling of what happened to me today, just to make myself feel better (obvs was actually at day).

Warnings: F slur, T slur,  transphobia, queerphobia, swearing, no violence


The nighttime breeze had a chill to it, the noise of various animals chittering and rustling was the only thing breaking the silence. Usually you would be with the boys this late at night but they had warned you they'd be late tonight. So here you were, platform boots thumping against the pavement as you walked. The fierceness of the bitter air started to increase, causing you to curse to yourself about the choice in outfit. You knew it would be cold but decided to wear ripped pants and a crop top, convincing yourself that the fishnets would keep you warm. It didn't help your situation that the boy's cave was so far away from your house, again cursing yourself for not doing your driver's tests earlier.

Footsteps. You had only just realised that there were footsteps behind you. The hair on the back of your neck stood up. The place you lived wasn't a rough place or anything, in fact it was filled with snobby white people. People who didn't take too kindly to queer people. Especially not you, you were their worst nightmare, not only were you queer, you were trans, goth, AND poly. Basically you were screwed. Maybe they would be cool and leave you alone, you tried to reason, but the approaching sound of barking shattered that hope.

Quickening your stride, you tried to get to the cave as fast as possible but it was crucial that you didn't let them know how scared you were.

"Hey emo! What are you doing out so late huh?" One of them shouted, trying to ignore them. You just kept walking.

"Ey tranny, he's talking to you!" You felt a hand on your arm, yeah you couldn't just ignore this one. Turning on your heel, you faced them, it was as you expected. Four teen boys and two girls. The boys sported the eshay uniform of terrible mullet, board shorts, black hoodie and joggers. The girls were the stereotypical 'pick me' type. If you weren't so scared you might've found humour in the irony of the fact the people who harassed you always looked the same.

"What?" You responded, doing your best to sound unbothered, there was a dangerous glint in one of the boys eyes that made you nervous

"We asked what you're doing out so late"

"I'm going to go meet my partners" that was a mistake. You should not have said plural.

"Oh, partnerS huh? Can we join? I'd love to have an orgy with you, even if you look like a corpse" The smirk on their stupid faces grew wider at the disgusted grimance you gave

"What? You don't want us? Would you prefer we beat the shit out of you?"

"I think we should, unless of course you want to take up our previous offer?" One of the girls giggled, obviously thinking this was hilarious, your confident act had begun to shatter as true fear set in.

"Please just leave me alone" You spoke, it came out much more timid than you had meant it to

"And why should we do that? You should be grateful, who the fuck would want a freaky fucking fag like you anyways?" They had began to come uncomfortably close, tears threatening to prick your eyes, there were a lot of them, and what the fuck were you supposed to do? You were shorter than all of them and had no idea how to fight.

"That would be us" A familiar voice answered the previous question, the tension in your shoulders almost immediately releasing. David walked up to your side, the other boys joining him on your other side. "It seems you have a problem with our lover?" There was a venomous undertone to his cocky words.

"Yeah because they're a fucking freak!"

"It seems stupidity finds confidence in groups, isn't that right boys?" David smirked, the condescending look in his eyes effortless as he stared down the group. The boys could easily see through their tough act, after all vampires could smell fear.

"Maybe we need to give 'em a lesson?" Paul added, his arm around your shoulders with his head resting possessively on one of them.

"I think so" Marko's smile was gleefully wide, taking great pleasure in the discomfort of these teens. David and Paul joined Marko as they stalked up to the group, Dwayne took Paul's place besides you, his dark eyes soft as he gazed at you. Placing his arm around your waist he spoke "Are you okay little dove?" his voice was impossibly caring, taking note of the obvious signs you were highly stressed and shaken up. You only looked at him with your jaw clenched, knowing if you responded, you'd burst into tears. Dwayne understood this and pressed you a little more into his chest, his face pressed against yours, watching as the others dealt with the bigots.

Screams made you jump into Dwayne slightly as the group took off running, completely abandoning both the bad boy act and each other. The boys cackled through fanged mouths, piercing eyes watching with delight as the others basically piss themselves upon seeing their monstrous faces. A kiss was pressed to your temple by Dwayne as David, Paul, and Marko approached. "Can we kill them later, doll?" Paul asked, almost certainly going to do it anyways but wanted your seal of approval. A small nod was all you managed, the furious desire to not begin sobbing still present. David made quick eye contact with Dwayne, communicating through looks he was assured you were physically unharmed.

"I don't want you to listen to a word they say, okay kitten? They have no idea what they're talking about" David's gloved hand gently cradled your chin, the sincerity in his eyes and tone doing its job to reassure you.

"Yeah I know, it's just..."

"No buts baby, you're perfect how you are, and we'll always love you" Dwayne spoke up, rubbing his face against mine like a cat

"Yeah also you're so much hotter than them so y'know" Marko smiled, as Paul wolf whistled to add to his point.

"C'mon doll, let's go back to the cave and show you how much we love you" placing your cold hand in David's gloved one, you walked with the boys back to home base, feeling much much safer now.

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