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I think that us humans, and even animals, all desire the feeling of being complete deeply.
Some claim to temporarily feel complete after finding an obsession. With some, I mean me, myself and I. Once I have found something that has my full interest and attention 24/7, I'm able to manipulate myself into thinking it will stay and be my everything forever, I'm able to make myself believe that I am finally complete.
My temporary obsessions can be many kinds of things. Whether it is a person, a hobby, a film or a song— all of it is able to have the power to make me think I found it.

After I have manipulated myself, I know that deep down I long for something more than it.
I know my soul is hungry for what she needs to feel complete and I shall start looking for what she needs may be.

I need to feed her.

Feed me!

Feed me, please, for I shall not sleep nor rest until you do so!

She feels like the misfortune of all souls. The ones around her are all finding that one piece that ameliorates them perfectly.
She wants to love and feel loved, desire and feel desired, but right now, she isn't able to feel anything.
It's like she's drowning but not sinking, protesting quietly but not fighting against the last glance she may take of time, of life.
She's at peace with the water that she's slowly getting swallowed by, swallowed into the void.
It bothers her, of course, but she can't do anything, so why fight it?

Help me.

Please save me, I'm drowning.

Dying, but can't meet death.
Starving, but can't be fed.
Breathing, but feels like I just took my last breath.

Help me.

tiny book of mine/mind (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now