Entry no. 1

16 5 2

20 November 2020

Dear diary

Today was my b'day as u know? I got u some days before as one of my presents but I started writing today itself...... But today my parents FINALLY ALLOWED ME TO MOVE IN A NEW HOUSE WITH MY BESTIES *crying emoji*
Well my parents said it will take atleast 2-3 days to almost completely move in so yeah I gotta wait and help. U know what? Its freakin' 1:47 am right now and I'm up writing entries 'bout today lol. Tomorrow I have to attend school which I don't care about but gotta keep up with my grades right? But I'm gonna stay up and spill the tea of today right here!!! (Gosh I hate mondays but who doesn't? But I'm tryna love Mondays cuz Jay loves them too).
So today Yeona, Bong-Cha and Chan-Mi blind folded me and took me to the new house which was apparently chosen by them. Well the blindfold part was a bit too cliche. Anygays I LOVED the house and also the fact that 4 of us were gonna live together. Well the house is big enough for 10 people. IT'S SO FRICKING SPACIOUS LIKE HOWWW and I also liked it's surroundings of garden. Well that's what the only thing happened to be mentioned here. The rest day I hung out with them and now I'm writing this. Oh we also binge watched bl series cuz we were kinda bored.
Ok my mom's gonna scold me real bad if I oversleep so I guess lets end here for today? Don't worry I'm gonna come back again ;)

~Yours lovely Ha-Eunie <3

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