Entry no. 8

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10 January 2021

Dear diary

Yo! Yesterday something happened so I'm back to spill the tea ;)
Yeah so after that day, we were rlly unable to have free time. School was literally so pressuring like it was killing us. But after turning in all the due works, we are finally free like before. So our SUPER BRAVE asses thought of going back in the basement.

Yesterday after returning from school, we freshened up and went out to have tteokbokki. We all missed the taste so we contributed for yesterday's dinner. But after we came back home, we were superrrrr boredddddd so Yeona suggested we should go back in the basement.

Oops my bad.... I kinda forgot to write that we already visited that place on 2nd January in the morning but surprisingly enough there wasn't even a drop of blood in there. We wanted to explore more but YEAH SCHOOL.

Anygays moving on, we went in yesterday and no we didn't see blood again. So we were looking around and saw another door of a walk-in closet. Actually the thing is that the basement had many doors and we don't know what those door have inside. But that day we saw blood in the walk-in closet thingy in the basement. Yesterday we opened another door *sigh*. And guess what we saw?? Blood? No. We saw like hundreds of teddy bears...........but they were torn off and half of their filings were hanging out of the skins. I slowly went close to one and observed it. There weren't any eyes on that teddy. I mean the eyes were snatched away and the filings were coming out of that place. The smile looked crooked and creepy. It looked like that someone almost tried to tear off the smile by pulling it sideways. Idk 'bout the others but I felt like we were being watched. Was it because of so many teddy bears sitting on the racks? Or was it just my imagination? I'm not sure about the answer. We also saw some huge boxes but there was one GIANT box which caught our attention. But as soon as I approached it, the lights went off. Bong-Cha screamed rlly bad so we had to get out before she would've fainted. Thankfullly she didn't faint but she was rlly scared.

After getting out safely, we all decided to sleep in Bong-Cha's room 'cause none of us wanted to be alone at that time. If you're wondering about Dong-Sun, then don't wonder as he alrdy moved out (lol srry for not writing it down). His parents are out on a business trip and won't be back soon so he won't live with us which resulted in a sulking Chan-Mi.

Back to the incident, we all were too scared and ended up awake past 1am. Today thankfully we didn't oversleep so we weren't late to school. Ughhhhh I HATE SCHOOL. JUST END IT ALREADY. Well some more years of struggle then we'll finally be able to get rid of this shithole. I think I'll try to sleep now cuz we all know SCHOOL!!!!!!! So goodnight.

~Yours lovely Ha-Eunie <3

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