Entry no. 11

10 4 0

17 March 2021

Dear diary

Unusual isn't it? For me writing down the one after another day? Ik but anw I'm here to spill all the tea of today. I rlly needed someone to tell all these but the BRAVE ASS frnds I have are of no use so you're the only thing left to tell about it.

So yk our school building is pretty huge. I mean it consists of a field, assembly hall, basketball court (enough of boasting about the shit hole). Yeah and we also do have a big ass pond (I once wanted to drown there but sadly there are wires surrounding it). MOVING ON, today Daisuke was finally found...
Yup in the school premises itself. But what's so bad about it that I had to open the diary to write it down? Apparently the caretaker of the school was inspecting the pond for any sort of garbage (yk gotta keep the image of clean school) and then found something floating at the side. He quickly opened the wire gate and saw it was a school blazer. He read the name tag and contacted the Principal immediately. After sometime the police were informed and then Daisuke was found. Not rlly Daisuke but his dead body. There was a brick sort of thing attached to his neck so that his body doesn't float up. Somehow his blazer got stuck in the wires and that's how it was found. The police sent his body for post mortem and they promised to inform as soon as the results come out. Soon we all got to know about the incident and Yeon-A cried a lot. Daisuke's family was called to be informed about his death and his parents were totally in denial. But gotta praise his younger sister for straight up accepting her brother's accidental death. Daisy and her brother were very close despite their age gap of nearly 7-8 years. Just like her brother, she is also a very fun person to be with. As we were quite close to both of them, we were affected too.

As I mentioned earlier that Yeon-A cried a lot, we found out that she started taking a liking up on Daisuke. If it wasn't for the incident, we would've teased her A LOT. We all hugged Daisy and comforted her as she reacted with nothing. All she did was stare in disbelief. We were all sent back home and were told to pray for his soul.

I'm getting goosebumps thinking that in a few days we'll be attending his funeral and that our sunshine boy is no more. Currently my hands are trembling from all the things we went through today. It was like an emotional rollercoaster which kept going down and down. I don't even know if we can ever be just like we were before. I guess that's it for today. I'm not rlly in a mood to write but had to vent so thanks for staying with me till the end. Goodnight.


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