Entry no. 7

15 4 0

02 January 2021

Dear diary

Yesterday was lit! We were up all night on 31st and kind of slept the whole day yesterday :P. Well what do u expect? But anygays, we did party hard and passed out on morning. But are we here to talk about that? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I'M HERE TO TALK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT AT 1 AM.

Well we weren't getting any sleep (cuz we slept the whole day....) so we decided to do something. And thus Chan-Mi said "let's explore the house" and we pretty much agreed as neither we had anything to do nor we actually saw the house properly by going in EVERY effing room. We were just walking around downstairs when Bong-Cha noticed a door type thingy. We never saw it because we didn't notice anything :D. Those 3 wanted to see the inside but were TOO BRAVE TO OPEN THE DOOR ITSELF which resulted in me opening the door and them hiding at my back– 
The moment I found the switch I flicked it on but unfortunately it wasn't the switch for lights ig? Cuz it didn't light up the room and nothing happened lol. Anygays we had to light up our torches and find the actual switch.

WELL WELL.....THE ROOM WAS CREEPY AF! I mean it was like fully covered in dust and dirt. BUT the creepiest thing was the walk-in closet thing. THE DOOR WAS OPENED- AYO? As usual, our curious asses JUST HAD TO enter that place and find blood on the floor. YES FRICKING BLOOD WAS ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!! Can u imagine our state after seeing all those blood at 1am in the morning? No right? Literally we were so close to screaming our lungs out but thankfully we didn't scream.

And that was our que to get some sleep as today we had school (yeah selfish school doesn't give us more holidays). But yk what? We still want to visit the "basement". No we still didn't learn our lessons. Goodnight (not going to sleep but still.....)

~Yours lovely Ha-Eunie <3

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