Part 2

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Spicynoodles angst


The Next day, it was Mk's day off of work thankfully. Mk was awoken by a knock at his door, Mk rubbed his eyes as he opened the door to see Mei with Red son. "Hi Mk!! I was wondering if you wanted to play a few rounds of Monkey Mech with Me and Red boy!" She was still her usual self but now she's gonna bring Red son EVERYWHERE with her. "Uh...Sure I guess." Mk couldn't just turn her down just because of yesterday, so he tried and put it all behind him. He just wanted to sleep in today but, Guess not. "YAY!! Ok! Meet us there!" Then they left. Mk went to go get dressed, He had no tears left to cry now..He just had to face it.

𝙈𝙆'𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑. . .

As I got dressed I looked at myself in the Mirror.. "Look at you Mk. You're a mess. Fix yourself and get over it." My refection, was talking to me. I sighed and finished getting ready and left out the door.


After playing Monkey Mech and Mei literally beating the both of them multiple times Mk decided he wanted to go to the Noodle shop just to talk with Tang and Pigsy. "Oh, Ok Mk! Me and Red boy will just hang around! We'll see ya later" They both walked away, Mk just walked to the Noodle shop. Tang saw the look on Mk's face and he knew that he wasn't ok. "Mk? Are you..Alright? I get that you-" He was cut off by Mk, "I'm fine. I...don't want anything." Tang sighed and just looked away from him and tried to get Pigsy's attention. "Hey uhh...Pigsy?" Pigsy turned around from washing the dishes, "Huh? What do you want Tang?" Tang fidgeted was his hands, "Uh, can you make sure Mk's alright? He won't tell me anything, Some stuff happened yesterday..and he hasn't really talked about it...I'm worried" Tang said in a whisper. "Hm..Alright just this once, since he got himself a day off." Pigsy walked over to Mk, "Hey Kid, You alright? You've been less...uhhh yourself." Mk just sat at a booth and said nothing to him. "Alright. Listen kid I get what happened yesterday hurt ya, but you have to get over it." Mk was obviously shaking, He wanted to say, "But I can't! I loved him...and just to see that he doesn't love me back is....annoying." But nothing could slip from his mouth because all of his frustration and sadness. Tang saw the look on Mk's face and he stood up and whispered to Pigsy, "How about we just...leave him alone for a while, I guess he still needs time." Pigsy nodded in agreement and he stood as he made his way back to the kitchen. Eventually Ellie came down stairs and noticed Mk was in distress. "MK?.. is everything ok?" Mk jumped a bit, as if he didn't expect her to arrive at this time, "Uh..yes. I'm alright." Mk still didn't look like his cheerful self. Ellie noticed, "Are you sure?..You seem quiet down." Mk wasn't making eye contact with her and just nodded in response. Ellie looked at him suspisiously.


Hm... he's acting really weird, I'm gonna try and see what's wrong with him myself! So I left out the Noodle shop and looked around. What could Mk be so upset about? it must be something going on..But what?.. Oh! maybe Mei and Red son know what's going on!


Ellie walked around for a bit and saw Mei and Red son together, She looked so confused why was she with him? Didn't Mk have a crush on Red son? She then walked over to them. "Hey guys!" Mei turned around and waved at her, "Hey Ellie! What's up?" Red son waved as well, "I was just wondering if you guys knew what was up with Mk? He's been acting really weird lately.." Mei tilted her head. "Nope! Can't really think of what he would be acting so weird about. Maybe he's just getting use to me and Red boy dating!" Ellie was surprised, She knew that Mk secretly liked Red son. And she knew he was gonna try and shoot his shot really soon but guess not. Red son just looked away in embarrassment, "Oh...I see, Well uh.. Catch up with you guys later! Gotta head back before Pigsy worries! Haha.." Ellie knew she had to confront Mk and reassure him. "Ok then! Cya Ellie!!" Mei and Red son walked away and Ellie made her way back to the noodle shop.


Gosh..Mk must be feeling terrible. I have to make sure he's truly ok and not anything stupid. So I made it back to the Noodle shop and Mk wasn't there anymore, so I asked Mr. Tang where he was at. "Uh..Mr. Tang? Where did Mk go?.." Tang looked up from the bowl of noodles he was eating and looked at me. "He said that..He went back to his apartment." Pigsy then bumped into the conversation, "But I doubt he did. He probably went somewhere else." Tang jumped at the sudden response, "PIGSY! He couldn't have just lied to our faces like that! And plus he knows he could get hurt! I'm sure that he's just at his apartment. So no need to worry.." I got scared for Mk, was he really at his apartment? Or was he trying to get himself hurt somewhere? Hopefully not. I hope that he's safe. I just walked out of the noodle shop, because I didn't really want to hear Pigsy and Mr. Tang bickering.

𝙈𝙆'𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑. . .

I was just walking on the sidewalk passing my apartment, I didn't wanna be anywhere. I was just all in my thoughts, what was I supposed to think about my own friend with the person I've liked for some time..I'm really happy for them but....I feel 𝙟𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙪𝙨... Why did it have to be her. She knew I liked him..LOVED HIM. But you know what, I can't let this go on. 𝙄'𝙈 𝙂𝙊𝙄𝙉𝙂 𝙏𝙊 𝙀𝙉𝘿 𝙏𝙃𝙄𝙎.


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