Part 5.

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Spicy noodles angst

Dragon fruit angst


Mk didn't know where to go. So he had to rely on the forest beyond the city. He was scared and his mind was filled with thoughts. Did they really think of him as a Monster? A freak? He didn't know, But maybe if he would visit Monkey King everything would be fine. Or so he thought. He made it to Flower Fruit Mountain and saw The Monkey King sitting on the edge of the mountain, So he went to sit next to him and Monkey King immediately spoke. "Bud. Do you know what you've just caused?.." He had turned to him as he said that, Mk jumped then answered, "Wha!?.. How did you know I...Ya know." Mk held his head down. "Well, I was gonna come and visit you and the others. But I heard your guys conversation about you offing that Pony girl. Which I didn't expect to hear. Why? Why did you do it?" Mk was silent for a moment, He was scared to answer but he might as well since he knows to much, and it would hurt Mk more if he kept anymore of his feelings inside. "I..was jealous. I wanted to be supportive but I just couldn't keep my feelings in my mind. I needed to let my anger out. So..I killed her." Wukong sighed, "Jealousy huh?..Hm, Then Maybe you're a bit to much LIKE ME.." The Simeon formed into the one and only, 𝙎𝙄𝙓-𝙀𝘼𝙍𝙀𝘿 𝙈𝘼𝘾𝘼𝙌𝙐𝙀. He laughed, "WOW! AHA, YOU'VE REALLY GONE DOWN HILL BUD, MIGHT WANNA KEEP THAT ANGER BUILT UP FOR SOMETHING BETTER THAN THAT!" Mk quickly stood and backed away from Macaque, "Macaque!?! Where's the Monkey King?!" Macaque ignored the question, "Well, Now I know more about that situation. I could use it to MY advance! I could ruin your reputation as the MONKEY KID." Mk got more worried He didn't know what to do, He didn't know where Monkey King was and his title. Could be removed, He could no longer be worthy of protecting the city. Macaque just laughed at him, "But ya know..I don't have to tell anyone really! Half of the city will already know by then since your little friends know about it. So! Their doing my job for me! And...I wonder how that Dragon girls gonna be able to come back." Mk got confused. Come back? What did he mean? She was dead..Right?


We had arrived at DBK's castle and I knocked on the door, PIF wasn't expecting guest so soon I'm guessing. Even now. PIF answered, "Hm. I suppose you're here to see if the girls ok.. Am I correct?" I slowly nodded, "Will she be ok?" Mr. Tang asked in a bit of a worried tone of voice. "Of course she will, Actually I'm almost done fixing up her body, or...New look.. You could say." New look?.. Oh dear, I didn't like the sound of that. But I noticed that Red son wasn't at the house which was odd, normally he's here. This can't be good at all, he might be after Mk. "Uh, Miss Iron Fan? Where is Red son?.." I asked, She was silent for a moment but sighed. "I don't know. He hasn't come back home after he heard about the girl." Shit.

𝙈𝙆'𝙎 𝙋𝙊𝙑. . .

I left Flower Fruit Mountain. I didn't want to think of anything anymore, I needed to leave from this place. I walked amongst the Forest Trees but then I stopped. I heard something or someone around me, I didn't know what it was not who it was. But then I heard his voice, "𝙉𝙊𝙊𝘿𝙇𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙔!!!"




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