the deal

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Roses are red, violets are fine, I'll be the six if you'll be the nine


Okay I'm gonna be kind....gimme 100 more reads and 5 new comments and votes and I'm gonna give you another chapter


"I can teach you how to kiss"

He wants to teach me how to kiss. Why does he want that? Why would he do that?

"What?" I blurted out. The shock is obvious on my face along with nervousness and slowly coming panic attack

"I can help you" he shrugged like it was nothing he just let out of his mouth

"W-why would you do that?" I tried to keep myself together but being asked such a question by someone attractive like Tom, you would freak out too

"I want to help"

"No offense but you're not a person who looks like helping people for nothing" I chuckled and stood up making his hands that were on my knees fall down

He stood up too and faced me "I mean, it wouldn't be for nothing. I'll be able to kiss a pretty girl whenever I want without feelings" he raised his brows

Did he just call me pretty? Okay girl don't freak out it was just a compliment. But it was a compliment from Tom freaking Holland

"You know I would try those things with my future boyfriend. Why would I try them with you instead?" I crossed my arms over my chest

"Because I know you think I'm hot and you'd like to kiss me again" corners of his lip raised into a smirk

My cheeks suddenly reddened from his words. He's right but still

"I've never said that" I fought back even tho I lost the fight a long time ago

"Or you're too weak to accept my offer" he just teased me but I don't want him to think I'm weak

"Fine" I raised my hand to shake his. He looked down before smirking and shaking my hand

"Tonight in my house," he said and picked up his things

"I can't tonight, I promised my dad to play him my new song by 4," I said the last words under my breath but he heard them anyway

"After school then" he put the bag on his shoulder and walked towards the door "I'll pick you up in front of the school after" were his last words before he closed the door and disappeared behind them

Did I just make a deal with the school manwhore? The boy I had a big crush on which happened to get back since the kiss? Am I that stupid or yes?

I decided to go to lunch. Putting all my shit together I prepared for Penelope's shouting but when I joined them at the table, no one spoke a word

They were talking about something, they recognized me they just didn't care where I am. I'm glad they didn't, I don't know what I would tell them

"Zayn?" I looked at the cutie on my left. He looked away from Dylan and gave me an annoying look "I'm sorry I can't drive you today"

"Whatever, Dyl said he'd give me a ride," Zayn said before turning around. He's upset I didn't tell him what was up with me at the party but the feeling that he asked Dylan for a ride before I could even tell him I can't drive him made me feel upset

It isn't too important to tell him right now, or is it? No, he's upset I don't want him to be angry

I whispered a little okay and sat there in silence. The food wasn't good at all so most of it ended up in Dylan's mouth. He can eat all of our food and he never gets tired of it. I want to know the secret of his muscled body when he eats so much junk food

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