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The blood does not define family


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We spend the whole week like a happy family. We played games, watched movies, went to dinner, and even went hiking up to the observatory

Yesterday we had to say goodbye to mom. She left for another business trip and she won't come back for another month.

I cried a lot but after dinner that I had with Dylan today, I feel so much better. He figured out I'm upset so he tried to make me laugh just like every time he's with me alone

I was happy that someone cares about me as he does. We're still not dating but I'm waiting for him to ask me soon, maybe on the third date who knows

"You know you look really pretty tonight?" He looked down at me. We decided to go and watch stars on my roof after the date so we did just that. I took blankets and now we're on my roof watching the night sky

"Mmm, I tried" I smiled at him. He was leaning down on his elbow while I lay and watched the stars

He chuckled at my answer and looked at my lips "I would ask if I can kiss you but I see no point in it when you allowed me to do that on our first date. Or can't I?" He panicked a little making me giggle

"Of course, you can kiss me, Dylan" I gently stroked his cheek and smiled

I closed my eyes when he started to lean in. When his lips finally collapsed with mine, I couldn't but smile. I'm finally kissing him, the boy I'm going out with

The kiss was slow, nothing I had before. It was careful like he doesn't want to mess it up but I could care less about it, I like kissing him

He kissed me for a few seconds before slowly pulling back up. He stared at my lips before grinning

"You don't know how long I waited to do that" he pecked my lips again before holding my hand in his and looking up at the sky with me

I ended up with my head on his chest before I slowly fell asleep


The small drop on my cheek woke me up in the middle of the night. I sighed and slowly opened my eyes. It's still dark out here

My back hurts from laying on the uncomfortable roof but for the most part, it starts to rain.

"Dylan" I shook with his sleeping body

"Mm" he made the sound but didn't open his eyes

"It starts to rain come on inside of my house before there will be storm or something" I started to pick up pillows and blankets while Dylan picked up his stuff and helped me with some things before we got out of the roof

"Okay I should go" Dylan yawned and stretched his hands before picking up his keys

"No, you're tired I don't want you to crash or something. Just sleep here and you can go home in the morning" I pulled him into my bed. It didn't take long for us to fall asleep again in each other's arms


I don't know just how it happened
I let down my guard
Swore I'd never fall in love again
But I fell hard

Guess I should have seen it coming
Caught me by surprise
Wasn't looking where I was going
I fell into your eyes

You came into my crazy world
Like a cool and cleansing wave
Before I, I knew what hit me, baby
You were flowing through my veins

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