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The story of life is quicker than the wink of an eye, the story of love is hello and goodbye.....until we meet again


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1 month later

Being someone's girlfriend is fun. Dylan spends time with me every day, secretly spending the nights where we make out or watch movies. We cuddle, play games, or just talk trying to get to know each other a bit more

My head is fine now. It might hurt a bit sometimes when I work out or sing too loud but it's good on a daily basis

Mike nor Tom didn't say anything about what Dyl said and I am surprised. I thought Mike will burst into my room and shout at me. I thought he likes Dylan but that's not true we all know that

It's Friday now, 31 days of being Dylan's girlfriend and I couldn't feel better.

"Honey" Dylan whispered, there was a kiss on my shoulder "wake up" he whispered again lightly kissing my neck

I hummed and rolled over to cuddle into his chest. I stroked his abs while trying to fall asleep again

"We have the last day of school," Dylan said and bit my neck smiling.

I hummed again enjoying my boyfriend kissing me.

"Come on sleepyhead, you don't want me to go too far do you?" Dylan hovered over me and looked into my face "open your eyes" I did what I was told.

Dylan smiled and kissed my lips "let's go or we'll be late" he gave me kisses all over my face before standing up to put on his clothes

I watched his back muscles move when he put on his t-shirt. He turned back to me when he didn't hear me walking

It started to get hot when he licked his lips and sat on my lap "let's go before I make you" his kisses were put on my collarbones. I held him by his cheeks to make him look at me

"You're so beautiful" Dylan whispered before kissing me on my lips.

It went like that for a few minutes before we had to leave. I took my meds and sat in Dylan's car as we drove off

My parents know about me and Dylan. Dad was okay with it saying Dylan is a good boy but mom wasn't happy. She wanted me to marry Tom to have kids with him and who knows what else. She told me she likes Dylan but not as much as she likes Tom. I can go with that

Mike didn't talk to me about Dylan. He often looks at us or checks us out in my room but we didn't have the talk about me having a boyfriend. I don't think we even will

When we arrived to school, Dylan held me by my hand and we together walked into the school. It's the last day so a lot of people cleaned their lockers and threw the trash into the bin

I cleaned my locker yesterday so I don't have to worry about it.

We were passing people in the hallway when I saw him. He hasn't changed at all. He still wears his jeans and shirts with a leather jacket. The jacket brings out memories of when I took it instead of mine and went on a date with it

I and Tom haven't talked since the day Dylan asked me to be his girlfriend. I wanted to talk to him, to clear in between us but he ignored me all the way

He went back to his manners. Now, he sucks on some girl like his life depends on it. I'm sure he's looking forward to the summer break so he can be with girls and party for two months straight

My breath hitched when our eyes met. The girl was pushing him against the lockers and when he opened his brown orbs I used to fall for, for a second, I felt all the feelings I had for him come back. It was like a slow motion

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