Minimum wage worker

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I started my first job today! Im a host for a local restaurant. Most of my coworkers are super chill and my manager is awesome.

I like the job so far. I keep asking older couples if they're on a date, the same way a middle schooler asked about a crush. They think im funny.

I think I have a pretty good handle on the job considering I dont know what the fuck I'm doing. A girl named Jess is training me, shes a year younger and so hecking sweet.

So yeah, everyone is super chill except groups of 14 that walk in UNANNOUNCED AND MAKE ME TALK TO THE SCARY BUSSER and also creepy old guys.

There were these two guys that walked in, and they seemed normal at first. I was seating them and the taller dude was like "No, we want to sit somewhere quite." And of course I was like "Yeah, I can totally see if we can do that." And this man PUT HIS HAND ON MY BACK and started pushing me to a different section, saying "No, you're going to tell them that we're sitting here."

So I'm a little weirded out but we make it work and Jess and I laugh about it for a bit. She said that she had never had anyone touch her and that was super weird and uncommon, especially for hostes. So I continue working and forget about it until they're going to leave.

They made some joke about the mints and Jess was like "Yeah, take em all, idc." And we all laughed but then the taller dude TAKES OUR FUCKING BUCKET and starts walking away, so I being the person I am said "No, not our bucket, I love that bucket!" And the guy asked why and I said it reminded me of my grandpa (it doesn't really) and this was the following exchange

Guy: Do I remind you of your grandpa?

Me: Not really

Guy: *Grabs the collar of my shirt in a fist and holds up his other hand as if to hit me* Do I remind you of your grandpa?

Me: Not really, my grandpa doesn't talk to me

Guy: *lets go and then caresses my right ear* You're a clean young man, any man would be lucky to have you for a grandson *Looks at Jess* and you're a nice young lady, you help.

Both guys: *leave*

Jess: *after making sure they're gone* What the heck was that?! "You're a clean young man" what?!

Jess and I laughed for a sec but I spent a solid two minutes in the break room just losing my mind.

-creepy old men suck
-be nice to customer service workers -please don't change your seat, you were sat there for a reason
-for the love of god, call ahead if you have a group of more then 6 PLEASE

-Love, Sky_the_Bi_Guy

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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