Female Primarchs Bio

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Oc 2 lost Female Primarchs:

First Primarch:
Artists - saint-max on Deviant Art

Name: Tlatia the Radiant


Legion: The Eleventh legion, the Panthera

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The Eleventh legion, the Panthera

Raised on the Savage/Death world of Chutania, Tlatia had been raised by the king of a powerful Aztec-like kingdom on this planet who had a distinct fetish for sacrificing all of the lesser people from different kingdoms/tribes.

The reason Chutania is considered a Death World is that in the deep forest of the world resides a mysterious entity that demanded hourly human sacrifices from the humans unless they all want to be wiped out by both the creature's minions and powerful creatures/plants that reside on this planet.

Then one-day Tlatia decided to challenge the mysterious entity to free her people from its malicious control.

But after battling through many of the fauna and creatures that served the entity and finally reaching where its lair was she was ultimately defeated by it and was close to losing her life.

But then she was saved by the forces of the Imperium and her brother Darius the Warmaster, came down upon the planet and proceeded to heavily wound the malicious entity but he was not able to kill it as it was able to flee deeper into the forests.

Later on by the plea of Tlatia, along with Darius' help, they were able to track down and kill the entity after a hard-fought battle that caused her planet to no longer be considered a Deathworld anymore as with the entity's presence gone the animals and plant life of the planet became tame. 

After this Tlatia quickly and quite eagerly pledged her allegiance to her brother and then later on to her mother when she was taken off the world and back to Terra.

Second Primarch:
Artists -
BarelynormalActivity Deviant art

Name: Cavalina Amana of Eòlas Tròcair



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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