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Its almost the weekend. What is prison even like on the weekend? Is it the same as usual or something different, maybe better, like weekends always were during school? Michael says weekends are boring as hell because we literally spend most of it in our rooms accept for when we eat.

"They like to do things in reverse here," he explained as we walked to breakfast.

I winked smugly at Luke as we passed him in the hallway. He scowled and picked up his pace down the hall. After crushing him multiple times at Fifa yesterday, I bet his defeat helped that scowl look as real as it did.

"How do you do that?" Michael shook his head.

"Do what?"

"Be so - I don't know - disrespectful?" Guess he couldn't think of a better word.

"He annoys me. Too full of himself." Even though none of that was true, it seemed like something Caleb would say.

"You better hope he doesn't get too annoyed with you before you get sent somewhere you'll miss his annoying ass." He gave me a serious look while he grabbed a tray of oatmeal and an apple.

I picked up another tray of the same except with a banana and started to follow Michael to a table.

When it happened I didn't know whether to be mad like Caleb probably would be or completely terrified like I actually am. The foot came out of nowhere and before I knew it I was flat on my face. Michael whirled around when he heard my tray clatter to the ground behind him and quickly kneeled next to me offering a hand. I shook my head and glared at hulking heap of muscle standing over me. His grin was so smug, "You should be more careful of where you step, Caleb."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and got up, leaving my tray of smushed food on the ground, "Who was that asshole?"

Michael shook his head, "You seriously don't remember the guy who tried to steal Minnie from you?"

Great. Just great. If I don't figure out a way to pull a Caleb right now, I'm so screwed.

I shrug, "Guess my memory don't wanna put a name to the ugly face."

Michael chuckles, "True enough, Connor over there tried to make a move on Minnie again while you were gone so I guess he's still mad about the rejection."

"Rejection? Minnie rejected him? Why?"

"Believe me I've been asking myself the same thing," he pat my shoulder, "No offense, bud."

None taken. How can I? He's "mancandy", like how could I even compete with that? Let me rephrase that, how can Caleb compete with that?

Michael must have noticed my surprise, "Dude, Minnie is one loyal bitch okay? She wouldn't have left you, even for him."

This comforting side of Michael was new and unexpected. I never thought people in juvi could actually be good friends ; I always pictured what I saw in movies like tattoos and piercings and glares imprinted on teenage faces.

We found an empty table in the corner of the room by a window with no bars surprisingly. There was so much security outside, I guess they weren't all too worries about anyone trying to escape that way.

The entire place was only one floor for safety reasons I guess. I mean if you were sentenced for life and were going to spend your whole life in a prison who wouldn't have thoughts of jumping out of a window?

I glanced over as Connor sat down with a bunch of his friends, receiving a lot of fist bumps and laughter. All the while, that irritating smile remained plastered to his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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