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"What do you mean 'he's her brother'?" We were at breakfast sitting at a table similar to one of those you would find in an elementary school cafeteria. I had been at it all morning; bugging Michael continuously about Luke being Minnie's brother. I mean they did have the same ocean blue eyes, but still.

"I've told you over a thousand times now. Why won't you get it through you get it through your head, Caleb? I thought you knew this already. Didn't Minnie tell you?" Michael rolled his eyes and took a big bite of a banana.

"No, I don't think she did. If she did, I don't remember." I gave a little smirk, trying to keep my act together.

He chuckled, "Sounds like you. Just watch your back, okay man? The last time one of the dudes here hit on his sister, they ended up getting sent far away, never to be heard from again."

"How would he be able to do that?" I was having some serious mixed feelings about Luke right now. Should I be afraid of him or still count him as a friend?

Michael picked up a banana from his tray and started to peel it, "He's the overseer for his daddy who owns the place. Basically, if anyone misbehaves or gets on his bad side, bye bye they go."

Great, another thing to worry about and yet another secret to keep. I picked up my tray and headed over to the garbage can. I didn't have much of an appetite anymore.

Michael followed after me with his banana hanging out of his mouth and his tray in his hands. He said something I couldn't understand while staring at something behind me; it kind of sounded like 'peak of advil'.

I slowly turned and came face to face with a very red Luke Hemmings. His eyes were no longer a clear ocean blue, but were rather stormy instead.

"Caleb. Out. Now." He pointed towards the exit of the lunchroom and began to walk in that direction.

I placed a smirk on my face for anyone who was looking at me to see Caleb and not the extremely nervous Calum underneath. I slowly stood up, emphasizing my cockiness, and headed in Luke's direction with fake calm plastered onto my face. As soon as I was passed the frame of the doorway, Luke's steel grip was on my arm and he dragged me behind him until we reached a closet, he threw me in and shut the door behind him. In no time, his hands were at my collar and I was shoved against the wall.

"What. The. Fuck. Is this the way you treat me after I trusted you and promised that I would do my best to help you out? How could you betray me like this, Calum?" For some scary reason, him whispering at me was worse than I imagined his yelling to be.

In between chokes because of how much pressure was on my throat I managed to get some stuff out, " would....never....hurt....her."

"Yeah right! You know, in some ways you really are like Caleb, for one, you both are real assholes," Luke's grip tightened, "I'm sure you've heard of my reputation with guys who hit on my sister. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you shipped out right now."

I gulped. What could I possibly say to make him change his mind? I looked up at the ceiling of this dark, small room as if I were looking for the answers to all my problems up there, "Luke, I'm not Caleb. I would never intentionally hurt her or you. Nothing happened between us or anything like that if that's what you heard. All I did was fall for her literally and not in that metaphorical way since Calum only met her yesterday. I didn't want her to get hurt so I put myself in front of her so I could break her fall."

Luke seemed to relax at this and his grip on my uniform loosened. Wow, I wonder what he heard happened because I know he wasn't the type of guy to get this mad at someone who kept their sister from falling and getting hurt. I took this moment to slip out of his grasp and take a seat on the ground. I put my head in my hands and heard Luke slide down next to me.

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