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"Guilty." The pound of that gavel sentenced me to confinement for the next 5 years of my life.

It only took us 10 minutes to get to the juvenile detention center from the court. It was a pretty big building; made from red bricks which gave it an older vibe the first time you looked at it from the outside. Inside, it was all 21st century gadgetry. It was decked out with cameras and thick automatic doors that required keypads and hand scanners.

After getting passed security checking, my handcuffs were finally taken off. At first, I was questionable. Why would they take off my handcuffs now and not in a jail cell? Oh, wait. How the hell would I be able to get out of hear without being shot to death by 10 guards who are bound to hit me or be able to open one of the 5 ton doors? Makes sense now, I guess.

I notice large strip of bulletproof glass to my left and head towards the beckoning figure behind the counter being protected by it. Once I got closer I could see that the figure was actually a really tall kid who must be around my age, even for his height. He's probably an intern or something like that. His blonde hair is up in a quiff and his ocean blue eyes survey; he gives a disapproving look. I must look like a mess with my dark hair all tousled and looking like a rat's nest.

"Electronics and accessories?" He holds out his hand expectantly.

"What are you trying to become, a cop or something?" I say sarcastically while I hand over my phone, wallet, and multiple band bracelets.

"I guess you could say that." he shrugs.

"What does that mean?" I give him a questioning look.

He chuckles and hands me a baby blue piece of clothing, "Don't worry about it."

I raise my eyebrows at the cotton article and he quickly clarifies,"Your uniform."

"Oh, right, thanks."

He grinned,"My name's Luke, I would shake your hand, but, as you can tell, that would be difficult." He gestures to the glass in front of us and the armed, large policemen located at every corner and door of the room.

I smiled,"Calum."

Luke's face was immediately filled with confusion,"Your identification here says that your name is Caleb, not Calum." He pointed next to the face that looked exactly like mine, but wasn't.

"That's not me. My name is Calum. Ca-lum. All everyone's been calling me is Caleb. Caleb this, Caleb that. Caleb, Caleb, Caleb. I have no idea what anyone is talking about around here." I burst out in frustration.

"Calm down, mate. I believe you."

"No you don't understand, no one does. I - wait what?" Did he just say he believes me?

"I believe you. I've met Caleb before and I can just tell that you're not him." He led me to a small room with a regular door so I could get changed.

"What? How?" By now I had been able to get changed out of my muscle tee and black jeans and into my prison suit.

"You don't act like him at all. Too innocent, but then again I could be wrong and you could just be acting, so for now I'll call you Caleb. You also probably shouldn't tell anyone your real name though and act like Caleb the best you can."

"Why?" We had begun to walk down a hall leading out to a courtyard where everyone was spending some time outside and "getting some fresh air."

"People 'round here won't take too kindly to an....."actor". Especially when impersonating a big time juvenile delinquent. They like Caleb, well some do, while others just want to kill him."

"Well, that's nice." We have stopped in front of a door that leads outside. Luke's hand falters at the doorknob.

"Look, just try to act like your him, okay? I'll help you out as much as I can when I can."

"Okay, okay." I bite my lip nervously.

"Good luck." With that, he opens the door to my new home.


The metal bars slide open with a loud bang. After a few minutes of wandering aimlessly around the courtyard, I was finally yanked back inside by an enormous policeman with a scratchy voice. He has green eyes and a short, red beard that matches his ginger hair. I nicknamed him Ginger when I first laid eyes on him.

"Your new room," Ginger gestured to the small room with cement walls,"This is where you will be staying with your new inmate, Michael."

There were two beds on opposite sides of the room and a small toilet in the far corner. A kid with black hair that had red splotches sat up from the bed he had been lying on. This must be Michael.

"Michael, you know Caleb," Ginger pushed me into the room as Michael nodded his head,"You two should get along just fine then."

Ginger walked away as the automatic barred door slammed shut behind him.

"So, Caleb, long time no see." Michael stood and guided me over to the other bed,"Where've you been?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Places."

"Eh, it's just like you to not tell the full story of something having to do with you. I don't even know where you're from or what your last name is." Michael shrugged as he went back over to his bed and laid back down. He stared at the ceiling for a couple minutes before he spoke again.

"Well, you came at just the right time. Tomorrow is Mixing Day," I must have had quite the confused look on my face because he just rolled his eyes at me and said slowly,"You know, the day where the guys get to hang out with the girls in the courtyard. Just friendliness, nothing more, obviously."

"Oh, right. Mixing Day." I scooted back a little further on the bed so I wasn't on the edge and laid down. I stares up at the ceiling and pretended there were stars there. I pretended that I was laying outside on my balcony at home, staring up at the stars. Not here in this godforsaken place. Not in jail for crimes I didn't commit.

"It's also the day that we get to see Minnie." He chuckles and wriggles his eyebrows at me.

Minnie. Who the fricken hell is Minnie?


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