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"Your past is what kept you alive"

She sees you running to and fro,

She sees you nervous of the show,

She sees you happy with your friends,

She sees you standing confident,

She sees you speaking with no fear,

She sees you oblivious of the fact,

She feels the same as you do,

She's glad you've achieved,

What you once weeped for.


She longed for what you're living now,

She ran and did all she could,

She tried till she bled,

She cried till there were no tears,

She stood up, told herself,

She's going to win, someday,

She wanted nothing but good,

And it was all done for you.


She's glad you're not your past,

Not in that darkhole no more,

She's pleased you're enjoying your life,

That you're finally living,

That you're not just existing.

She's glad your life now matters,

To you, to them, to everyone,

She's thrilled to know,

That you've done it all.


Now, the question wanders off,

Who is she?

Watching you day n' night,

Everywhere you go,

You won't know she's there,

But she's always existing,

Somewhere quiet,

She's always watching.


Is she some stalker?

Is she a hawker?

Some kind of chaser?

No, she's nothing of those,

Instead, she's something you've seen,

Something you've felt, went through,

She's your past self,

The past which is not worth remembering,

Which you gladly threw away,

Embarrassed to have it,

You hoped it'd not stay.


But did you acknowledge?

She has done the most,

More than your teachers, family and friends,

She's what made you this,

She's the one who achieved the win,

She's just sitting there now,

Mesmerized by you,

Yes, she's just, your past self.

AN: Word of the day: She 🤡

The quote at the start was made by me cause everything here is mine ;)

I managed to write a poem in the midst of this craziness called life 😔🖐️ explanation chapter will take some time, sorry! Bye navies <3

Freaky Lil' Poems | PoetryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora