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“She.” Explanation

The poem ‘She’ talks about your past self,  How much your past self worked,
Days and nights to achieve what you have right now,
And how proud she is to see that you've finally got to the top. To success.

Your past self always wanted to be an idol, but her poor background couldn't make it up to the mark.
Because of that, she had to train herself extra hard, go on multiple diets,
Just to show them what you were capable of.

She was hated everywhere she went,
She was called names, disgusting ones,
But she still stood up,
even though a bit broken,
She was strong enough to win.

Because of your unworthy background,
you hoped nobody would remember it,
but you failed to notice,
how much she had done for you.

But she still wanders off here and there,
She still sees you everywhere,
Because she just cannot get enough of you,
Of your success, of your position,
So she still exists,
But you are oblivious of it.

AN: my head is bursting out rn cos I didn't get any sleep 🤡✨

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