-The Accident- 1.

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Disclaimer: None of this happened in the book. It's all fiction. Mention of knives, weapons, death and trauma. 

Percy's POV:

Percy's vision was blurry. Where was he? He turned around to get a hold of his surroundings, but nothing seemed to help. He looked down at his hands, the only thing that stood clear to him. Well, that was before they started to melt. Now, this was not some kind of bad joke, his hands were actually melting into a Percy-Coloured puddle.

All of a sudden, he heard a deep, raspy sigh. He was not able to figure out where it came from, it felt like the sound was surrounding him. "Okay, chill. You don't have to make that Darth Wader Parody. It's kind of cringe", he muttered. A hollow laughter was now surrounding him. "Trying to fight our trauma with sarcasm now, are we?" a sudden voice spoke up. Percy jerked in surprise. He knew that voice terribly well. 

"Gaia," he said, surprisingly calm. He reached down, and tried to find his loyal pen, Riptide, in his pocket, but it wasn't there. Percy felt completely naked without his sword.  "You can not hide your little secret forever, Perseus." Gaia sounded like she was amused with him. In fact, he could almost hear the smirk in her voice. "Well, the only secret I hide, is my incredibly bad cooking skills", Percy said, stubbornly. Once again, the laughter was surrounding him. "Oh no, you fool. Not that secret. The other one," she said, with a deep voice, that made shivers run down Percy's spine. He wanted to say something. A snappy comeback, that would close Gaia's mouth. But his throat was dry, and he was unable to speak. Gaia felt his hesitation, and continued "You, Perseus, are scared of your own powers," She said, and was clearly trying to humiliate him. It worked. His body stiffened, and his muscles tensed. "Shut up!" He shouted the words as loud as he could, but it didn't seem to bother Gaia the slightest bit. 

"A hero, scared of himself. Oh Perseus, you are truly a mistake!" "Shut up!" He shouted again, "Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!" He covered his ears, and closed his eyes. He felt his body drop, and opened his eyes.

Percy sat up in his bed awake. Sweat was covering his body, and his breaths were short and quick. "It was a dream," he tried to calm himself down. "It was all a dream." 

He knew that he was supposed to be scared of Gaia. But, the truth is, that the scariest thing about his dream was, that her words were true. He hadn't used his powers since... well, since the accident.  Percy sighed, and got out of bed.

Pipers POV:

Piper was furious, to say the least. For the third time this week, Percy was too late for breakfast. It was almost like he made his own rules, and only showed up when he wanted to. Piper couldn't believe that a perfectionist like Annabeth dated a guy like Percy. They were so different in so many ways. 

Piper also had to listen to "Percy's great adventures" back in camp Half-Blood. Zeus' Lighting bold, the Golden Fleece, and much more. He even saved Manhatten! The other's talked about him like he was a powerfull Aquaman-Junior. But, Percy had been with the team for months now, and Piper hadn't seen him use his powers even once. She even started to have crazy theories about him loosing his powers, or maybe they all lied to make Jason, Piper and Leo like Percy enough to let him join the seven. Piper could only guess. 

She tried to ask Annabeth about it once, but she changed the subject immediately. It was clearly a touchy topic for her. Piper had to admit, that she was tempted to use her charm-speak to get Annabeth to spill the tea, but she did not want to ruin her relationship with Annabeth. Therefore, she decided to let the topic rest. But Percy just kept living in his own bubble! Sure, he was good at fighting and making fun jokes, but he was supposed to be their lifeline at sea. He was supposed to defeat the monsters with his crazy powers, that everyone seemed to admire so much. The only thing Piper admired, was Percy's affection for Annabeth. They seemed so much in love, that Piper wanted to cry every time she saw them. Not because she was unhappy with them, she was simply jealous. Why couldn't she and Jason be like that? Why couldn't he randomly kiss her in the hallway, or tell her that she looked stunning in the morning? 

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