Chapter Six

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The weeks of September bled into each other

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The weeks of September bled into each other. School, home, cry, homework, dinner, cry in the shower, bed. It had become a schedule I had grown accustomed to. On the weekends to break up some of the extra crying I did, I spent time with Terra. I couldn't explain what it was about her, but I felt an instant connection that I never had with anyone else back in Hanover. Even if I wanted to, Mom would've stopped me.

Andrew stuck to his word, and we only saw each other when it was necessary for the project, but over the weeks, I became more and more excited for our meetings.

Of course, it was also high school in the fall, so when I did find myself missing him I didn't have to look far to find him. Posters of his nomination for homecoming king flooded the hallways and as soon as I saw his face I remembered that not only shouldn't I miss him, I couldn't. Guilt would once again find me and put me where I belonged.

Even now as I found myself peering over Stuart at Andrew, I could feel my guilt banging at my soul. I did my best not to open the door but as always it burst through and I felt my whole world sink.

"S-s-s-s-so then x is f-f-f-four?"


I hadn't been paying attention. I looked down at Stuart's work and quickly reacquainted myself with the question.

"Yes." I nodded, "The answer is four."

"Are y-y-y-y-ou ok-ay-ay R-r-r-Ror-ror-i?" Stuart asked.

"Yeah." I was looking past him again as I answered, "Why?"

Stuart followed my gaze and clicked his tongue, "I see."

"What?" My attention snapped back to him, "Yeah we can move on to the question."

Stuart looked a little dejected as he tapped his pencil, his pimpled forehead creased. At first, I didn't clue in as to why he seemed hurt, but then it dawned on me. Did Stuart have a crush on me? I felt my cheeks redden. Stuart's eyes widened as he realized that I knew his secret.

"I-I-I-I haf-haf-haf-haf..."

He stopped trying to get the words out and just quickly gathered all his stuff and made his way out of the room, his pencil falling to the floor in his haste. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I tried to reconcile what had just happened.

I looked up at Mr. Foley who was giving me an encouraging look that seemed to read go after him. I sighed and picked up his pencil before jogging out of the room.

Stuart hadn't made it far down the hallway before I caught up to him.

"Hey!" I reached out and touched his shoulder.

He turned around but kept his gaze downward.

I let out a breath from running, "Where are you going? Our tutoring session isn't over."

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