Chap. 4

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TUESDAY, MAY 28TH, 1978 

'The mattress....' 


Today was the day. Bruce and Vance were close, and he was going to ask Vance about Lauren. The two talked a lot, so it wouldn't be creepy or weird for Bruce to ask about her, if they were always speaking. 

It was happening now, and I tried to get my mind off of it by engaging in a conversation with Billy and Griffin, but that didn't really work, as their conversation was super confusing, with Griffin trying to explain some interesting and questionable things to a poor, clueless, mindless, Billy Showalter. 

I finally got up and sat by Madeline, who was fidgeting with the butterfly wing on her finger. "Hey" she mumbled and muttered, hey eyes still on the ring. "Hey! I'm setting up Vance and Lauren today!" I whispered, and Madeline looked up in shock. 

"Excuse me? Is it finally happening?" she stared, and I nodded. "Bruce is asking Vance about it right now" I smiled, and her mouth curved, showing her dimples. "Really? Oh I hope he likes her back! Then we could all talk and rant about our idiotic boyfriends together" Madeline clapped. 

"Same! I'm going to be so happy for her if he does, oh lord" I smiled, laughing with Madeline, who was smiling ear to ear by now, in happiness and excitement for her friend. It was a happy moment for the girls, full of squealing and laughing and smiling. 

The boys were still talking, as Lauren came and made her way over. Madeline and I decided not to bring up her surprise date, in case she gets all excited and he says no. "Hey guys!" she smiled, and we smiled back at her. 

"hey Lauren!" 

"Hey laurs!" 

"what are you guys laughing and all giggly about?" Lauren asked us, her blue eyes shining in the distance. "Oh, Y/N was just telling me how Bruce and them met!" Madeline lied, and I nodded along with her claims. 

"Ohh yeah! They told me all about that when they first got here!" Lauren laughed, as I nodded along. I did in fact tell her all about that, so she was not even in the slightest lying about it like Madeline was. 

"It is so cute right!" Madeline said, and Lauren nodded. "Anyways, I have an question." I said, and the girls looked at me. "Yes?" They both asked in unison. "When do you think the others will get here, so we can escape? I don't wish kidnapping on anyone but.." 

"No, it's fine. The Grabber just put a new mattress down today, so Friday or Saturday we should have a new kid" Lauren evaluated, and I nodded, understanding what she was saying. Just then, Bruce ran up to me, coming and hugging me. 

"Yes?" I asked, as I allowed him to pull me away from the girls. "Guess whatttt!" Bruce smiled, and I nodded. 

"is it about Lauren?" 


"What did he say!!" 

Bruce sighed, and stared at me. Then, he took a deep breath, sighing again, 

"he likes her back"


If you don't understand the memo, I'm trying to use they/them pronouns and blind genders for my story! I'm not very good at it, but I am trying to include all my readers, so please bear with me and give me some much needed tips! 

Since I finished taken by the killer and love before death, I'm going to try and finish my fanfics next. This book is going to be 20 chapters long, so if I keep working I can finish it soon! So, yay! This will probably be my next finished fanfic!! Or my Finney fic, with 16 chapters, whichever one I have more motivation for. 

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