As bright as fireworks in the moonlight sky

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The fireworks always intrigued me, with their bright flashing colors, and the way they got everyones attention, earning squeals of joy and the collective "oo" or "aa" as they shined throughout the night sky, they were beautiful.

Now as I sat there on the damp grass i wondered what it would be like to be so bright, to earn the love and attention of so many.

It was intoxicating.

It pulled me into a spiraling down mindset as I realized I would never shine that bright, that I would never earn the love of so many from the simplest things.

Oh how I yearned for that, how I yearned for the ability to shine so bright, to not have to prove myself and my worth day after day and night after night.

To be so captivating.

So as the final firework burst into the air with its bright pinks and beautiful blues, i wondered what it would be like to do so, to be a work of art in matter of seconds, to not have to worry over the small things, to not have to worry about anything for fireworks are nothing but an inanimate object, something without fears, something not alive.

I don't want to die, for I still have a purpose to live up to, for i still have hopes and dreams to succeed.

But that does not stop my yearn to be so beautiful, so captivating, so loved.

For my worth lies in the hands of a single letter, something that has and always will determine the level of academic achievements expected from me, something that will always determine the path i walk, the roads I cross, the life i live.

Though these thoughts will stay in my mind, they will become their own firework longing to sore throughout the air, longing to ear the cheers and claps of those who's opinion's matter the most, to be a work of art, to shine so bright that the stars are hidden, to be free.

Letters from a teenager with the mindset of an adultWhere stories live. Discover now