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Bruh I'm so tired of my job I low key hate it

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Bruh I'm so tired of my job I low key hate it. Someone save me before I lose my mind and run away.

Madelyn's POV:

       Dude. Are you actually kidding me? Austin swings the door open with a sigh and climbs in with a stomp in his step. I immediately roll my eyes but then remember that I am in fact in his trailer. Awesome.

       "Who the fuck are you? I wasn't supposed to get my hair done for another hour. Don't tell me you're here early for a selfie or something." I was shocked at his words, he is so self absorbed. "Buddy pipe down, we literally just met no less than ten minutes ago. And as of now, I think if I ever took a 'selfie' with you, I would throw the entire phone out." I state with so much sass and frustration that the small trailer would probably blow up.

       Austin looks at me with disgust and immediately retaliates by saying "Why would I remember you? Get out of my trailer. Wait no, you know what? Stay as long as you'd like, I'm leaving. I have better things to do, like have set girls swoon over me." He swings the door open to leave and hops down the steps.

       Holy shit. This man is like a toddler. I have no clue how I will ever work with him, if I even have to at any point. But still, I already dislike him with a deep deep passion, and I'm a pretty easy going person.

Two hours later...

       After leaving Austin's trailer, avoiding him at all costs, meeting some kind new co-workers of mine, and meeting THE Tom Hanks, it was finally time to call it a day. I've never in my life ever felt a day feel longer than a week, but today proved me wrong.

       While driving home to my apartment, I put on Erika and I's playlist and 'Dark Red' by Steve Lacy starts to play. Driving in the dark was always something I loved, but at this point the top of the sunset had just met the horizon and it was not fully black out, but it was on its way.

       As I get home to my apartment, I pull into the parking garage and get out of my car. As I grab my bag out of the car, I look up to start walking and see something sickening. Standing in front of me is Austin Butler and some girl he brought home from work making out in front of his car.

       I immediately look away and press the lock button to lock the car. How stupid could someone be. Me, Madelyn, Mady, just locked the car while trying to discreetly get away. I am just like every other horror movie character moving towards the scary sound. The horn beeps twice and my stomach drops.

       "What are you? A stalker? I told you to go away." I hear from behind me. I turn on my heel and face the attractive, yet arrogant man. "In case you didn't know, this is my apartment building too. Sorry for interrupting you and your whore, I'll be on my way!" I say with loads of fake kindness and sarcasm. He scoffs at me, but I know deep down I just showed him up. #GirlBossed.

       I walk away in silence, get up to my apartment, and immediately fall onto my couch. I put on 'The Walking Dead', season three of course, and start to doze off. Before fully falling asleep, I go and get ready for bed.

       As I am curling up in my bed, Erika chooses to call me. What could she possibly want? I just had THE longest day of my life out here. Let me sleep. I answer and she tells me about her day and what she did and I also tell her about mine. I mention the part about Austin, and she is totally in agreement with me and is on my side. This is what best friends are for.

      We continue to talk for about twenty minutes, then she lets me get some rest, which I do not mind doing at all. In fact maybe I should just rest for the rest of the week. Haha. Funny? No? Ok. Awkward. Anyways, I set my alarm, took a sip of water, and fell into a deeeeeep sleep.

       What a fucking long ass day. Lord save me and pray for me to please let me survive this filming process. Please.


I'm being fr I wanna quit my job. Fuck summer jobs. If you don't have one don't ever get one. Enjoy your time off and just be stingy with your money. Actually maybe I'll just suffer for all of us. Drop y'all's e-transfers below lol.


08/07/22 - 808 words

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