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Also guys we are almost at 300 reads and I could not be more thankful for all of you thank you so much I hope you are all enjoying the story so far <3


Madelyn's POV:

       Ok. What did I just hear. So just because I don't want to get with him, he makes it everyone else's issue? I turn on my heel and walk towards him. "What's it to you if I did anyway, huh? Sorry I'm not so obsessed with you. I'll hangout with who I want to, and you will keep your mouth shut."

       I don't even focus enough to hear what he responds with because I turn around quickly and walk away. I apologize to Zach sincerely, since he has been one of the only people nice to me here recently. And with that, I say goodbye to him, and leave to the parking lot.

       It must've been already released to the press about me filling in for Olivia's role of Priscilla because as soon as I walk off set, I see my car crowded by people wanting to interview me.

       I have a reputation of being a very nice actress, but right now, with the day I just had, I am not in the mood whatsoever to answer or attend to any questions.

       Annoyed, I quickly walk over to my car and am immediately flooded by people with questions. I hear a lot about Austin, how I am feeling about the role, and what I will be working on next. I just quickly reply by saying "I'm sorry I've got to get going." with a smile on my face.

       Security is called by the time I'm already in my car, which is honestly pointless at this moment as I already made it out, but they helped clear the people away from the car. I start my car, but on 'Brooklyn Baby' by Lana Del Ray, and am on my way (rhyming??!).

       On my ride home, I called my mom and spoke to her about how my life is going with all the new things I'm experiencing. By the time I got home, it was around 10:30pm due to the heavy traffic. I looked at my phone and saw many congratulating texts about my new role, to all I replied with a thank you.

       One stuck out to me in particular though. A random number had texted me saying "Meet me in the hallway in 5." (Harry Styles <333) I was very confused, but I know many of my colleagues are also staying in this apartment as well.

       I answer the text with a quick "Who is this?" But they don't answer. I spend the five minutes pondering about who it may be, praying that it's not Austin Butler.

       I step out into the hallway and am met with a familiar face. Dacre Montgomery. I am fangirling on the inside, but I have to play it cool. "Hey Madelyn, sorry for the cryptic message but I just wanted to congratulate you in person!"

       I may fall to the floor and die. This man is making me weak in the knees. "Oh hey Dacre, thank you so much and it's okay haha. It's so nice to meet you! How's it going?" I somehow say without stuttering.

       "Well you know how it is, lots of work and things to do, but I'm super excited." He says with his sexy voice. "Ya me too!" But then he says something unexpected. "Look, I heard you and Austin aren't on good terms right now and I am so sorry about that. Austin is a bit egotistical and we all know that, but no one has ever stood up to him like you did today, so I'm proud."

       Did. Dacre. Montgomery. Just. Tell. Me. He's. Proud. Of. Me? Oh my god. "Yeah, Austin's quite annoying sometimes but I'm going to have to make due, as I am his on-set wife haha." Dacre nods his head and says "Maybe you two should talk, you guys are going to have to be all good before filming starts." I agree and we continue to talk for a few minutes.

       "Well it was so nice meeting you Madelyn, I'll see you on set tomorrow. Have a good night!" Dacre says. This man is so polite. "Ya I'll see you tomorrow, have a good one!" I reply. And with that, we go out separate ways.

       That night I dreamt about Dacre and his gorgeous face, which I can't complain about. But before I fell asleep, I couldn't help but think about what he said about how Austin and I should talk, and I'm thinking he's right.


WOO another chapter. Again guys I'm so thankful for all of you and for all of the reads I've been getting. I couldn't be more grateful <3 (Austin POV in next chapter!!!)


08/18/2022 - 833 words

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