chapter nineteen

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I see Captain's name in the upper third. It's where he usually is, if I recall previous votes correctly. Despite his asshole tendencies, the audience generally likes him. Anyone who invokes as many rivalries as he does is worth keeping around strictly for the drama. Captain doesn't seem to react to the good news, his face remaining emotionless despite the fact that he gets to live another week.

I look at the bottom two: Husky and Dozen. A chill runs through me when I see their nicknames on the screen. Chords was right—I'm remembering why I didn't want to come here in the first place. For this exact, deadly reason. A message flashes after the votes are all in: Please proceed to the south lawn. People start getting up to leave, and I turn to Chords for guidance.

"Just follow the crowd, babes."

But I can't follow the crowd. There's a girl sobbing in the corner—probably one of the participants who was just voted into the bottom two. Her thick hair is parted into braids, and they fall down her back like ropes. I don't know which nickname is hers, but I walk over and put my hand on her shoulder anyway. Everyone parts for me like I have the plague, nobody following my lead. She looks at me through red-rimmed eyes, clearly shocked at my presence.

"It's going to be alright," I say, though I have absolutely no evidence to support such a statement.

The girl shakes her head, "You're new, right? So you don't get it. I'm up against Husky. He's twice my size."

"You don't even know what you'll have to do yet," I say. "Just because he's bigger doesn't mean he's going to win."

"Just leave me alone, okay? I get what you're trying to do, but there's no point. If you're ever in the bottom, you'll see that too. Suddenly you're a liability. Even if I survive, I'll probably be voted into the bottom again next week."

"You can't think like that. If you give up before you even try, then you're already dead."

"Just please leave me alone," she says again, putting her head back in her hands. I hesitate for only a second before standing up and making my way to the door. I know a lost cause when I see one. I'm almost there when a familiar, deep voice blooms behind me.

"Why did you do that?" I look to see Captain, matching his step to mine. Clearly he waited behind to watch me with the girl.

"Do what?"

"Talk to Dozen."

"I was trying to comfort her."

"I know what you were doing. What I asked was why."

Jesus, he's intense, I think. I consider my answer.

"To give her some hope, I guess."

"She's not on your team. Don't you think that's a waste of time?"

"Clearly not, or I wouldn't have done it."

"You might want to refrain in the future."

I look up at him.

"And why's that?"

"It could be construed as weakness."

"Caring for others isn't weakness," I say it sharply, quickening my pace to catch up with Chords and Joseph, leaving Captain behind me. They're talking about the night's events, recapping the vote.

"So how does it work? The Do or Die?" Joseph asks. He's clearly comfortable around Chords, allowing himself to speak boldly, in stark contrast to his usual timid murmur. I'm not surprised. Chords has that effect on people.

"It's different every time. But it's always something physical, meant to test your limits."

I think back to Hope, who had to swim out into the ocean until her competitor drowned. I shudder despite the warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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