Your Auntie Lobelia

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She knows what she wants all right, your Auntie Lobelia

She'll take off with anything that she can find

She'd prefer to have the whole house, your Auntie Lobelia

But she'll make off with the silverware, if you don't mind.

She doesn't like me one bit

For giving you the house and everything in it

So keep an eye on Uncle Otho and Auntie Lobelia

She has a temper for sure, your Auntie Lobelia

Oh quite upset that I really didn't go off and die

You can't quite know her plans, your Auntie Lobelia

But just know she and Otho aren't really that sly

Oh she will throw a fit

As she knows she can't get

The house she wants for her and Otho, oh Auntie Lobelia

Don't let them get under your skin, especially Auntie Lobelia

They'll say mean things and snarl whenever they can

They're more like pests, especially Auntie Lobelia

Who'll just state she's not your biggest fan

But there is one good trick

You'll just have to be quick

To keep away from Uncle Otho and Auntie Lobelia

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