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(A Few Minutes before Blake and Roman's Fight)

"So you work in Beacon Academy?" Sina asked with excitement. It had been two hours since Ash had meet this Fox Faunus and her group, and right now they were exchanging stories.

"What do you do there?" A blue haired kid, who was maybe nine years, old asked.

"I am a junior assistant to the Weapon's and combat Professor. In simple words, I help them in training" He explained causing them to look at him with awe.

"So you train Huntsmen and Huntresses?" Sina asked her new "Sworn Brother", with a tinge of envy on her voice.

Ash raised an eyebrow "What's the matter Sister? You sound jealous!".

Sina flushes in embarrassment while another kid piped up "Sister Sina, always wanted to be a Huntress, but she can't as she can't leave us alone".

"Quite You!!" Sina hisses, glaring at the kid, who was cowed by her anger.

Ash looked at her, with a thoughtful glint in his eyes. Sina wants to be a Huntress, but she can't because she felt responsible for her group, as she was the eldest.

But if Ash can successfully, get them to a orphanage, who will adopt them, then the problem will be solved. The children will get a new home and Sina can pursue her dream.

Not to mention if Sina decided to follow her dream, then Ash can take her under his wing, as an Apprentice. While he bad taught the students at Beacon, he hadn't taken any Apprentice under him.

Out of all the First year students, only Jaune, Blake, Pyrrha and Ruby had the spark of an Apprentice material, but Ash hadn't taken them, as they were already too old. He had thought about taking Ruby as an apprentice but ultimately decided against it, as she was the Team Leader and he can't distract her from her duty as a Team Leader.

Sina however is a perfect Apprentice material. She has the spark, the fire to learn and young enough to be moulded into a perfect Apprentice.

Not to mention her Aura, which was very powerful. Ash can feel the power trapped inside, ready to be unleashed, and while it was not as powerful as Pyrrha or Ruby, it was strong enough to give even the toughest opponent a pause, if her Aura is trained to her fullest potential.

Ash opened his mouth, to say about his plan to her. But before he can, an distant explosion, interrupted him.


"What in the, deepest pit of Distortion World, was that?" Ash exclaimed looking at the direction of the explosion.

"Was that a bomb?" Sina exclaimed in panic. By now the children too were looking at the direction, with panicked looks on their faces.

"I don't know-" Ash surveyed the area until he noticed black smoke in the distance. "-but it seems it's coming from over there!" He pointed urgently at the smoke.

"That's the docks!" The greedy Shop Owner, who's name, Ash hadn't bothered to ask, exclaimed "Maybe something caught on fire? It could be the containers bringing Dust".

"Who knows?" Ash said looking at the direction "But whatever it is, It could be dangerous for the city".

He turned towards the shopkeeper "You!" He pointed at him "Call the Local Authorities. We should inform them, if they haven't been already informed yet".

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